7 Blog Content Tips to Supercharge Your Website

Run an Awesome Blog

Ron Sela
Strategic Content Marketing


Blog content is the lifeline of your online presence. Do you ever get the feeling that nobody cares? You spend so much time writing an awesome piece of blog content and it seems like nobody even bothers to read it. You desperately want to get your message across. To be heard, but at the end of the day, you just feel like you’re spinning your wheels.

The first, most fundamental step to getting read, is of course to begin. If you don’t write it, nobody’s ever going to read it. What will follow in the rest of this piece then, are some solid tips and sound advice for how to structure your blog content to maximize the chances of it getting read, and thus, of you getting your message out to the world.

Blog Content Starts with a Great Headline

People on the ‘net tend to have short attention spans. If you don’t grab their interest with a great headline, the sorry truth is that they won’t bother to read any further. This is crucial! Aside from getting your fingers busy and writing something (as mentioned above) this is probably the best, most important thing you can do. Make your headline raise a curious eyebrow. Ask a provocative question. Dangle bait in front of your readers’ eyes to entice them!


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Sub-Headings & Visuals

Nobody is going to read a “Giant Wall Of Text!” That’s very off-putting and the moment a reader sees this, he’s going to click the “back” button and find something else to read. The next three tips are all about different ways to take your article from scary, monolithic text wall to warm, friendly blog content that invites the reader in. This starts with sub-headings. They break your article up into logical topics that support the central point your article is about. Not only does it help to keep everything more organized, but it makes reading the whole piece much better and easier.


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Bullet Points or Lists

David Letterman made “top ten lists” cool before there even was a commercialized internet. Now that we have this glorious creation, top ten (or five, or seven, or fifty) lists are more popular blog content than ever. The exact number doesn’t much matter, it’s more the point that bullet points and list items are hard hitting facts. They have punch. They’re memorable, and also, the help break up that dreaded wall of text. Use them often.

Short Paragraphs

The last way to break up the big wall of text is with short paragraphs. Preferably short paragraphs that include short sentences. Like this. Seriously, it will help the flow of your article. If you look up from the page and see a single sentence that runs on for six or eight lines, get the scalpel out and do some surgery. Your readers will thank you. Their eyeballs will thank you!

Specific Facts and Figures

Take the time to get actual facts and figures (and cite your sources). Don’t just say: “A lot of people believe that the moon is actually made of stinky cheese.” Instead, go with, “Would you believe that 35% of people around the world believe that the moon is actually made of stinky cheese? That’s almost 2.5 Billion people! See? Isn’t that much better? Don’t you want to know who all those stinky cheese believers are now?


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Pacing, Flow & Promotion

From your headline on, your article needs to guide and propel the reader down a path. You want to get your message out, yes, but also, you want to tell a story. To entertain. Why? Because if you do those things, not only will your article be read, but it will also be talked about. Shared. Passed on from one reader to the next. That means even more readers for you.

No matter how well you write or how creatively your blog content is designed, content needs to be promoted in order to reach your readers.The following Advanced Guide to Content Promotion, by BuzzStream provides step-by-step guidelines for blog content distribution campaigns.


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Writing an informative and entertaining article isn’t hard, but it is work. It takes practice to get it right. Follow the tips above and you’ll be well on your way to writing an awesome blog content that will attract lots of attention.

How do you optimize your blog content? Which tools do you use? Please tell me in the comments below.

This article was originally published on http://www.ronsela.com/blog-content/ and was republished with the author’s permission



Ron Sela
Strategic Content Marketing

Growth Marketing Consultant ✍️ Editor, Strategic Content Marketing (Medium Publication) 🚀 Blogger at www.ronsela.com