Items To Win By

…but is one Rapier really enough?

5 min readJan 28, 2023


Fresh off the heels of last week’s two new releases, we’ve got another couple of pages to share with you today! This time, we’ve got lots of items to show…all of which can be found on your brand new Hero Items pages! We’ve been asked repeatedly to bring back the old Hero Item Breakdown stats, and they’re finally back in a big way — let’s take a look!

Hero > Items > Summary

Sand King cometh.

Your new Hero Items Summary pages serve as an introduction to top item selections at each stage of a game, from lobby purchases through to the late game. Data for all items is taken from every qualifying ranked match during the current week. Match data collection begins each Thursday, with new sets going live Saturday, and updating through the week.

By beginning data gathering on Thursday, then pushing it live on Saturday, we ensure that we always have a least a day of fully parsed global match data available for you to explore.

For the item data on this page, you have two filters — rank and position. Using these, you can get insights that are most relevant to your own matches, or your area of interest.

At the top of the page, you’ll find the top 6 highest rated starting items based on their individual rating, not their group rating. In other words, these items serve as your buffet of top picks, not as a single entrée — you may or may not want to, or even be able to, purchase them all together with your starting gold.

Below your starting items, you’ll find the recommended Boot Progression for your hero. Each boot displays its purchase rate, win rate, win rate differential (difference between the hero’s overall win rate and win rate with this item), average purchase time, and cost. These same data points are shown for all other items that are found on your Summary Page.

I grow a grain at a time!

For each game segment (early (0–15 minutes), mid (15–35), and late game (35–70)), we show all items that have a Purchase Rate of at least 2% during that interval, and then sort them by win rate. Above, we see that Sand King has a 55.0% win rate when purchasing a Hood of Defiance within the first 15 minutes, with a purchase rate of 6.2%. This is his statistically strongest item to pick up in the early stages of the game, with an average purchase time of 9:32.

On the left side of the screenshot above, you’ll see all qualifying items sorted by win rate. If you click on any of them, it will update the section on the right side of the screen with stats for that item. The chart at the top of that right-side section shows the full range of data for this item within this time range, beginning with the earliest purchase. Hovering over the chart reveals the specific data from both graphs, incremented by minute. For example, hovering over the green spike and low gray value on the 3 minute mark reveals that Hood of Defiance was purchased 6 times between 3:00–3:59, with a perfect 100% win rate for those few matches.

Above the chart, you’ll also see the optimal purchase time for the item, calculated by rating the purchase rate with the win rate during that minute.

To provide additional insight into intelligence itemization decisions, we provide links to relevant Immortal player hero guides (in this case, for Sand King) that include the item you’re looking at. When available, you can load more Guides, or use the position filter at the top of the page to more quickly find a guide that meets your needs.

Eight legs and still you stumbled.

At the bottom of your Summary page you’ll find every neutral item in the game broken down by tier, then sorted by Win Rate for your hero. Data for each item is included from matches where the hero had it equipped for a meaningful amount of time, in order to ensure that the item had an opportunity to play a role in the match outcome.

For players that want to go a bit further and evaluate every item their hero has purchased, or compare more specific information about itemization, we’ve released your new Hero Items Stats pages!

Hero > Items > Stats

A dagger fit for a king!

Your new Items Stats page shows every single item purchase (even the absurd ones) that occurred during the past week of Dota’ing around the world. You can filter data for these purchases by both the rank and position filters (same as found on the Summary page), and also by the pick rate, if you want to focus on more popular purchase patterns. You can also filter down to specific items, if you only want to compare a few.

By default, items with less than a 2% purchase rate are displayed at a reduced opacity to signify their highly uncommon procurement.

By default, all items are sorted by their rating, which is a balance between their win rate and pick rate. Items can also be sorted by their cost, pick rate, win rate, or win rate differential.

To get more information about any item, you can expand its row by clicking the plus (+) button on the right side. This reveals the same chart found in your Item Summary, but this time you can control its range using the sticky Slider at the bottom of the page. The Slider serves as the final filter option, updating all item data to only include purchases made during the range of time that you specify.

Also within the expanded row content for each item, you’ll again find links to relevant Immortal guides where that item was purchased.

We hope you’ll enjoy digging through all your new item data, and we’ll be back again soon with more new updates for you to explore!

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Did you miss our last Supdate? Check out the new Heatmaps and Team Hero Stats!

Thanks for reading!

Eric Phy

