Go to Stravaig
For lovers of the outdoors: hiking, running, sailing, cycling, and canoeing
Note from the editor

Do you love outdoor pursuits? Gain inspiration for future adventures, and share your own experiences here with the Stravaig community. To submit a story, email your medium handle and a link to your draft or completed story to craig.r.weldon@gmail.com with the subject line ‘Stravaig’. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Go to the profile of Craig Weldon
Craig Weldon
Former editor, ROV pilot, recording studio owner, consultant, temp and casual labourer. Currently writing my fourth book. Hello.
Go to the profile of Elle How
Elle How
Life transforms us all. As a creative nurturer I explore changes that touch my soul from within and without. Experienced history, my source. Lightness my guide.
Go to the profile of Tammy Bergstrom
Tammy Bergstrom
Unique insights from a Yosemite Hiking Guide on personal, communal, and planetary health - and how they're all intimately connected
Go to the profile of Øivind H. Solheim
Øivind H. Solheim
Norwegian novel author, new novel The Man Who Stopped Aging, Amazon Kindle. Love story, and intellectual investigation: Can we extend human life to 100 or 110?
Go to the profile of Dr. David Martin
Dr. David Martin
I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at davidpmartin@mediumauthor.com
Go to the profile of Tammy Bergstrom
Tammy Bergstrom
Unique insights from a Yosemite Hiking Guide on personal, communal, and planetary health - and how they're all intimately connected