How to Mint NFTs in STRMNFT Marketplace?

StreamCoin (STRM)
StreamCoin (STRM)
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2022
STRMNFT marketplace

STRMNFT marketplace is the next venture of StreamCoin into the world of NFTs still in its initial phase, users will only be able to mint new NFTs. The token standard used to create NFTs on the STRMNFT marketplace is NSTA_602.

Sign Up for the STRMNFT marketplace to start minting your free NFT collection until July. Users can only mint NFT if their MetaMask is linked to the STRMNFT marketplace account.

So, if you are still having trouble during the sign-up process or connecting MetaMask, we got your back.

In this blog, we’ll look into how to mint your NFT using the STRMNFT marketplace.

In general, users can mint their NFT under the Digital Art and Media Art section in the STRMNFT marketplace.

Even if they both seem similar, Digital Art is to mint images and Media Art is to mint videos to NFT.

To Mint Your Image as NFT

  1. Click on the Mint icon in the right-hand corner of the homepage.
Click on ‘Mint’

2. It will be Image Art on default.

Click on Image Art

3. Click Image Upload, then select the file you want to mint.

Click on ‘Upload Image’

4. Select the Category for your NFT.

Click on ‘Category’

5. Add your appropriate Title, Description, and Hashtags for your NFT.

Add title, description, and hashtag

6. Enter the Selling Price and Choose Currency*.

Enter Selling Price and Choose Currency

7. Add your number in NFT Unit (Edition) to mint multiple NFT units.

Add ‘NFT Unit’

8. Set your Royalty preference on your NFT.

Set the ‘Royalty’

9. In the Audience Settings, you can either make your NFT Public or Private.

Select your ‘Audience Setting’

10. Check the applicable boxes provided below.

Check the Applicable Boxes

11. Click Mint My NFT to proceed.

Click on ‘Mint My NFT’

12. Once the process is complete, click on View My Collections to view your collections.

Click ‘View My Collections’

13. In the three dots menu and click Edit to edit your NFT details.

Click on ‘Edit’

14. To send your NFT for approval, press Request for approval.

Click on ‘Request for Approval’

Once approved, you have now successfully created your NFT.

*Note: The STRMNFT marketplace now accepts only STRM and BNB tokens as payment. Other coins will be added in the future.

To Mint Your Video as NFT

  1. Click on the Mint icon in the right-hand corner of the homepage.
Click on ‘Mint’

2. Select Video Art to mint your video.

Click on ‘Video Art’

3. In Video Upload, Click on File to add your video to mint.

Click on the ‘File’ to choose the video

4. Add Title, Description, and Hashtags for your NFT.

Feed title, description, and hashtags

5. Enter the Selling Price and Choose Currency*.

Enter Selling Price and Choose Currency

6. Add your number in NFT Unit (Edition) to mint multiple NFT units.

Select ‘NFT unit’

7. Set your Royalty preference on your NFT.

Set the ‘Royalty’

8. In the Audience Settings, you can either make your NFT Public or Private.

Select your ‘Audience Setting’

9. Check the applicable boxes provided below.

Check the Applicable Boxes

10. Click Mint My NFT to proceed.

Click on ‘Mint My NFT’

11. Once the process is complete, click on View My Collections to view your collections.

Click on ‘View My Collections’

12. In the three dots menu and click Edit to edit your NFT details.

Click on ‘Edit’

13. To send your NFT for approval, press Request for approval.

Click on ‘Request for approval’

*Note: Users can mint their NFTs with zero minting fees on the STRMNFT marketplace until July 2022.

If you have any queries related to minting your NFT, in the STRMNFT marketplace, reach us out in our official telegram community.

Follow our official channels for the latest StreamCoin updates.



StreamCoin (STRM)
StreamCoin (STRM)

StreamCoin is a blockchain company with a diverse ecosystem of NFT and streaming-focused platforms, providing multi-purpose utilities for all users worldwide.