How to be a Better Viewer on Twitch. Pt 2.

INDIE - Dan Long
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2018

In part 1 of How to be a Better Viewer on Twitch, we went through a short list of things to NOT do as a viewer but in part 2, we are going to go over some things that you should do. Things that will make your Twitch journey both pleasant and meaningful, not just for you, but for the streamer and the entire community as a whole.

Hey! I’m lurkin’ here!

If you are a lurker, that’s awesome and streamers love you! In fact, most viewers are lurkers.

I, myself tend to lurk and not really talk much but when I do, I have a few simple guidelines that I like to follow and I’m going to share them with you here.

Be friendly and welcome new people

When people come into the stream and type in the chat, it’s because they want to not only interact with the streamer, they want to hang out and interact with everyone so be friendly and welcoming. Say “hi,” ask them how their day went and where they are from. Start up a conversation with them and find out who they are and what they like.

Think of it like welcoming a guest into your home.


Be interactive

If the streamer is asking questions, answer back!

Be helpful and friendly.

Not only does it make a nice comfortable place for you but it also brings much joy to the stream and the other people in chat. Be involved in the conversation. Start your own conversations and get people talking.


Use those emotes! Streamers love to see their emotes in chat.

If a streamer has their own emotes and you are a subscriber, please, use those emotes in chat. Streamers feel the love when you do that.

When people see you using that streamer’s emotes in chat, they might want to use them too.

It’s really a great way to show support for the community.

Answer the streamer’s questions with a bit of context.

Sometimes a streamer will ask a yes or no question or something that you could answer with just a one word answer, but remember, there is some lag between what the streamer is doing and what you see.

A streamer might ask “which way should I go” and you could just answer “left” but most likely, they are 30 seconds past that part and if they turn left now, they will be going the wrong way. It really gets confusing.

A better answer might be “make a left right before the waterfall when you are walking away from the cave.” That puts some context to it and the streamer can understand what you are explaining no matter how much time has passed.

Post on social media about the stream

You want to help your favorite streamers grow, right? You want to show support and help build that community!

Live streams grow mostly from word of mouth so please, please, please, if you are going to do anything, post about their streams on social media! Help them grow their streams!

Make sure and tag them in those posts and encourage your social media circle to come hang out with you during the stream.

There are so many more tips we could give about being an amazing Twitch viewer but we want to hear from you. Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter and let us know your tips.

Emotes in this article were made by the amazing Rhay_Robotnik.



INDIE - Dan Long

Influencer, Social Media, Marketing and Community Management, PR, Partnered Twitch Broadcaster Contact me at