On The Role Of Nuclear Force In Powering Life

Nuclear force deserves more mainstream credit!

Street Science


Gravity and entropy give rise to nuclear force, which gives rise to the sub (all of this is comically hand-drawn). The sun then gives rise to life which is represented comically by a hand-drawn planet Earth with one over-sized sheep standing on top of the Earth.
The Role Of Nuclear Force In Powering Life — Illustrative art created by the author

In my previous essay on the romance between gravity and entropy, I explored the immense role that gravity plays in the birth of a star. Although I briefly touched upon how the nuclear force emerges during this process, I did not give due credit to it.

In this essay, I aim to correct that. But before I shed the spotlight on the nuclear force, let us do a small recap of what I have covered in this essay series thus far.

A Small Recap

I started with the following question:

“Where did our universe come from?”

The big bang turned out to be one of the stronger possibilities. Starting from the big bang, my exploration continued into a deeper discussion on gravity’s cumulative nature and its interaction with entropy on a cosmic scale.

Under normal circumstances that we are used to, energy diffuses and spreads until an equilibrium is reached. Place a cup of hot water on a table and come back a day later. Both the water and its surroundings are very likely to share the same temperature. Why? Entropy. And “negligible” gravity.

But what happens when gravity is no longer “negligible”? Well, that’s when the cumulative…

