[Announcement] One giant leap into Asia with our new Chinese partner CNPIEC

AC de Fombelle
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2018


One of StreetLib’s objectives this year is to improve our reach and presence in Asia. After the opening of StreetLib India, we are proud to announce another step towards achieving this goal thanks to a partnership with China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC), a state-owned company responsible for “letting China know the world” one publication at a time.

CNPIEC will distribute our content to thousands of Chinese libraries via their eReading platform, CNPereading. Any library user can subscribe to the service, allowing them to loan any eBook that the library itself has previously purchased.

“We’re both proud and excited to take this first step into a market as large as the Chinese one, and give all our authors and publishers the opportunity to expand their readership to the world’s most populous country. This latest addition makes their reach more global than it was yesterday, and we are constantly striving to make tomorrow’s even wider.”
Marco Croella, StreetLib COO

“Our partnership with CNPIEC is already a fantastic opportunity for our users to expand their readership to China. We hope to soon be able to extend this partnership on the export side of CNPIEC’s mission, to help their catalog reach new markets worldwide, and thus support Chinese authors and culture.”
Antonio Tombolini, StreetLib CEO

Since 1949, CNPIEC has been responsible for opening China to other cultures around the world, as well as promoting Chinese culture outside of the country. Such an initiative aligns perfectly with our global vision. By adding our catalog to their collection for libraries, CNPIEC will offer books from over 80 countries, with a particularly rich selection of Italian and Spanish literature.

“At CNPIEC, we are glad to join hands with StreetLib. We sincerely hope this partnership could provide new opportunities for authors and publishers to explore China’s flourishing publishing market.”
Lin Liying, VP, CNPIEC

