Luca Razzano, the man of the woods whose work makes StreetLib a reality

AC de Fombelle
3 min readNov 17, 2017


Luca is among the tribe members whose specialties listed on LinkedIn sound like an encrypted message to me: “Ruby, (…) PostgreSQL , Oracle PL/SQL, SQL, (…)C#, Portig Oracle Forms Client/Server a Three Tier”. No we are not La Resistance during WWII trying to communicate with the allies. Luca is just a software architect, web wizard, our CTO, in other words, a member of our beloved tech team without whom StreetLib would just be a great idea.

Our esteemed Chief Technical Officer is the architect of StreetLib’s backbone: our Publish app. 7 years later, He’s still constantly working on its evolution and reliability. Publishing digitally evolves year after year, and we need our tools to evolve with it. Luca is making sure it’s done properly.

In the past months (if not year), we saw print publishing becoming a possibility again thanks to new technologies making it a sustainable solution. So our tech team, Luca included, put their efforts these days in improving the solution they already integrated with StreetLib. This way, StreetLibers can take advantage of all the latest technologies available today for their publication projects.
Another great example of the way Luca and the tech team evolves with the publishing industry is, of course, the Pronoun importer they built and installed in just three days. They did actually way more than just creating an importing tool and I’ll talk about it in more details soon on this blog.

Before joining StreetLib, Luca got a thorough knowledge of company-level databases working 12 years for a company dealing with public utilities. After that time, he was ready to join StreetLib! As many tribe members, Luca will tell you what brought him to StreetLib was its vision. Our vision comes from our founder and CEO, Antonio Tombolini, and can be read on our website. It’s all about books, Hip-Hop, and technology.

“I’m happy with the choice made because the work is very stimulating, every day we face new challenges and we use new technologies.”

As our colleague Giovanna, Luca’s free time is often spent with his dog, Eliot.

Who wouldn’t like to spend all his free time with Eliot! :D

Lover of the outside, he spent 15 years in the Scout Movement, making him an expert hiker, discovering woods and mountains everywhere he travels to.

“I love to travel with my family, we usually spend our holidays around Europe (France, Greece, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia …) in camping with our tent.”

Travelling is kind of rooted into our company’s spirit, and if you read our other tribe member’s portraits you also read a lot about food, art, creativity. Luca is no different and lately is trying his hand at photography! A passion more specific to him would be woodcraft, and I’d really love to see what kind of things he makes!

