Companies Rush to Use AI, But Fear Legal and IP Risks

Paul Dughi
Stronger Content
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Certain things confuse me.

Are more companies rushing to use AI to create content? Yes.

A Deloitte survey shows that marketers are facing a constant demand for content — which increased by about 150% in 2023 — but they are only able to meet the demand about half the time. So, many have turned to generative AI.ut…

65% of companies say they are VERY OR EXTREMELY CONCERNED about the intellectual property or legal risks from using gen AI.

Seems like there’s a disconnect here. If there is such widespread concern about legal risk from AI, why are companies rushing to embrace it?

Just ask the folks at Air Canada who got sued for bad info coming from their AI Chatbot — and lost. Or the websites that got crushed from using AI-generated content. Some saw their traffic drop from millions of visitors per month to near zero. Entire sites have been de-indexed and no longer appear in search results.

I ran a test launching two identical websites at the same time last year. One has 100% human-written content and the other has 100% AI-written content on the same topic. Both saw regular traffic growth until Google’s focus on AI… and traffic dropped by 90%+. Read more about this test.

