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Stupid Learning
Stupid Learning is a place to explore a lot of useless information. Our articles are meant to entertain more than inform, prompting you to say things like, “Wow that’s nifty,” or “Gee I never would’ve known that, and I’m really not sure what I’ll do with this information now.”
Note from the editor

Stupid Learning is a place to explore a lot of useless information. Our articles are meant to entertain more than inform, prompting you to say things like, “Wow that’s nifty,” or “Gee I never would’ve known that, and I’m really not sure what I’ll do with this information now.”

Go to the profile of Steven T Prichard
Steven T Prichard
I know what I’m doing. I got a C in high school creative writing.
Go to the profile of M. R. Prichard
M. R. Prichard
I’m not confused, I’m just not paying attention. B.S. in English composition, burgeoning gamer girl, and mental health advocate.
Go to the profile of Steven T Prichard
Steven T Prichard
I know what I’m doing. I got a C in high school creative writing.
Go to the profile of M. R. Prichard
M. R. Prichard
I’m not confused, I’m just not paying attention. B.S. in English composition, burgeoning gamer girl, and mental health advocate.