Sudachi Next Roadmap

Hiroshi Kato
Sudachi Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2019
Background Photo by Justine Camacho on Unsplash

From the beginning of 2017 I have built Sudachi that is a timetable editor application for daily personal scheduling. It’s already been two years since I made a simple Electron hello world application. Today, I’d like to talk about the future of Sudachi.

What’s Updated in 2018

I continuously improved the desktop application during 2018. The updates through five releases are as follows:

And I started Sudachi Blog where I wrote the release notes for Sudachi and I spoke about the development of Sudachi in the side project meetup organized by @tetsuya.

Sudachi Next Roadmap

What is the next roadmap? Of course, I will continue to improve usability of the app, additionally I’d like to do that while keeping the philosophy for Sudachi:

1. Easy to write down tasks
2. Easy to schedule
3. Simple design

Now I will talk about the next roadmap of Sudachi.

1. Make the tasks easy to add

In current version, there is a problem that a user have to type All the text to add the tasks. There’s no other alternative way. It’s hassle. So I think about the following features to reduce this hassle and to make the tasks easy to add.

  • Schedule recurring task (ex. Morning assembly at 10:00 am every Monday)
  • Pull event data from Google Calendar
  • Sudachi Chrome extension (like Bear Chrome extension)

2. Scheduling

One of the important thing that I want to provide to the user by Sudachi is being able to schedule easily. I hope that you could focus on your task and take your limited time to do the most important stuff by scheduling your tasks.

This is why I’d like to add a new function that enable the user to create a timetable more easily. Here are the ideas for it.

3. Select theme

I have finished the refactoring the react view components in 2018, so I’m ready to implement a theme selection included dark mode. As for macOS, I will make the app follow Mojave Dark Mode.

4. Mobile App

I have frequently encountered the case that I want to write down a task or check my today’s schedule when I don’t have my MacBook at hand. For these cases I’d like to build Sudachi mobile version — this is my pet project! — and I will built it as a MVP at first.

And I will make it by React Native Framework to support multi platform(iOS and Android).

5. Update Landing Page

Some features of the app have added after I created the current landing page, so I will update it. Additionally I’d like to redesign it with a beautiful visual design like atom and sketch and make it in English for oversea users.

Let me know what you think!

Your feedback is valuable to me. I’d appreciate if you could tell me what you think from Sudachi forum.

Thank you for reading this to the end:)

