My favorite design posts for 2017

Rob Jones
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2017

12 Signs you are working in a feature factory by John Cutler

If you’ve ever worked on a digital product that failed to deliver user and business value despite tons of work, process and great design, this post is for you. This was far and away my favorite post of the year.

25 Signs you are working on a high performing team by John Cutler

John’s “feature factory” post (see above) examines negative factors that hinder product development — this followup post examines positive traits of high-performing teams that lead to great product development.

Designers aspire to ever fatter markers by Jorge Arango

Fantastic, quick read about how we progress in our design career.

Tips for becoming a design leader by Andrew Lucas-Walsh

Awesome post on how to progress in your career a design leader. There are many posts about this topic right now, but this one nails the important points concisely.

50 things you probably forgot to design by Jon Moore

This post really goes back to the fundamentals — definitely one of the best checklists for product design I’ve seen in a long time.

Everyone is a design. Get over it. by Daniel Burka

Whether you like it or not, whether you approve it or not, people outside of your design team are making significant design choices that affect your customers in important ways. They are designing your product. They are designers.

Perfect post that explains why UX and visual designers alone can’t ensure the success of product. We’re all in this together.



Rob Jones

I design digital things for people to use. In a past life I created visual effects for film and videogames.