This Is Goodbye

We wanted you to hear it from us.

Matthew Hammond


A Brief History of Summa

Just over two years ago, we set out to build new financial infrastructure, with the ultimate goal of maturing financial systems and making them more accessible globally.

Along the way, we’ve brought you such unforgettable crypto moments as:

April 20th, 2018 —
Summa founded

May 2018 —

July 2018 —

November 2018 —
Stateless SPVs Developed
World’s First Cross-Chain Auction

January 2019 —
What to Expect When ETH’s Expecting

February 14, 2019 ❤️

March 2019 —

May 2019 —

August 2019 —
Cross-Chain Group Announced

September 2019 —
Summa’s Cross-Chain Architecture for Cosmos-SDK

November 2019 —
All the cross-chain hackathons

December 31st, 2019 🔥 —

February 2020 —

March 2020 —
Bringing Summa’s bitcoin-spv to Nervos CKB

April 2020 —
Summa’s bitcoin-spv on Nervos

Summa to Join Celo 🎊

Today, we’re thrilled to share that Summa will be joining cLabs to help Celo realize their shared mission of financial prosperity and inclusion for all. Through our journey, we’ve become one of the foremost providers of cross-chain architecture. Leveraging our unique expertise, we aim to help connect Celo to various other chains throughout the space.

“Through our work with Celo on Bitcoin relays, we discovered a shared passion for creating financial inclusion and prosperity. We’re excited to join their team to further connect Celo to the broader blockchain ecosystem.“
— James Prestwich, Founder at Summa

Joining cLabs will allow us to bring the benefits of our technology to a broader audience, expand our open-source work with wider application, and deliver value to end-users more directly. Through our combined efforts, we hope to bring the ecosystem a step closer to financial inclusion for all.

“The technical and interoperability expertise the Summa team brings to Celo will enable the Celo Reserve to be further diversified and decentralized in a permissionless way. This represents a significant milestone for the Celo community”
— Markus Franke, Partner at cLabs working on the Reserve

Finally, we want to give a special thanks to Mark Tyneway for his work on bcoin-relaylib, and Harsha Goli for his contributions to Riemann.

We’re excited about what’s next and can’t wait to see you on the other side.

With Love and Fabulous Hair,
The Summa Team

Summa provides cross-chain architecture and interoperability as a service solutions. We work actively with Ethereum (EIP-152), Keep, The Electric Coin Company (ZIP-221), and the Zcash Foundation. Our partners include Cross-Chain Group, Interchain Foundation, Nervos, NEAR Protocol, Agoric, and Celo.

Stay up to date with Summa on Twitter



Matthew Hammond
Editor for

Head of Growth at Connext. Prev founder @ Summa (acq.), Celo, Storj, Adobe