Gap Travel

Kate Crotty
Summer Capstone 2019
2 min readJun 26, 2019


I’m making an informative book about the importance of gap travel for design students to understand how spending time in other cultures and geographies is crucial to influencing and informing their work.


Constraint One: Content

The content revolves around how traveling will make you a better designer. The book will include quotes and passages from psychologists, neuroscientists, as well as famous authors including Hemingway and Woolf. Typography and Imagery will play a significant role.

Constraint Two: Format

The format will be a beautiful and content-dense book supported by typography and imagery, namely original and sourced photography.

Constraint Three: Audience

The primary audience is students in between high school and college who have the necessary means and support to take a gap year (or semester) and travel internationally.

Immediate Outcome

The student learns about taking a gap in education. Is persuaded to consider taking a travel break from school.

Intermediate Outcome

Students explore options for travel and take a gap break.

Ultimate Outcome

The world becomes a better place by way of the strongest and most diverse designers because designers are more equipped through travel to be creative problem solvers.



  • How do designers view travel?
  • Who travels the most while young? Who is able to? What determines this?
  • How much focus should be emphasized on international VS. domestic travel?
  • How long do people need to be traveling for “effectiveness”?
  • What type of information is most convincing? Not only for the traveler, but for stakeholders such as parents.
  • How do I encourage multi culturalism?


Research Methods

  • Secondary Research in Summer
  • Primary Research, experimental, in Fall abroad


Summer 2019

  • Research Plan
  • Content Plan; Text Content: quotes, stories, cited facts, etc.
  • Photographic shot list.
  • Finalized outline of book / storyboard.
  • Research of the production of the book; what type of paper, how it’s bound, the size, grid, etc.

Spring 2020

  • Final Bound Book
  • Supplemental Video based on original footage from Fall


