Go to Sumsub
Sumsub is the one verification platform that secures the whole user journey. Orchestrate the verification process, welcome more users worldwide, and stop digital fraud with customizable KYC, KYB, transaction monitoring and fraud prevention solutions.
Note from the editor

Sumsub is ID verification provider. We help companies all over the world comply with KYC, AML, GDPR requirements, prevent fraud, and increase client trust with accurate, fast and automated service.

Go to the profile of Anna Treshcheva
Anna Treshcheva
Head of Communications for Sumsub
Go to the profile of Victoria Gutkovich
Victoria Gutkovich
PR manager, Comms team at Sumsub — the one verification platform to secure the user journey with KYC, KYB, transaction monitoring and fraud prevention solutions
Go to the profile of Andrey
Go to the profile of Peter Sever
Peter Sever
Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer at Sumsub – a verification platform that secures the whole user lifecycle with customizable KYC, KYB, KYT, and AML solutions
Go to the profile of Jacob Sever
Jacob Sever
Co-founder and Chief of Innovation at Sumsub – a verification platform that secures the whole user lifecycle with customizable KYC, KYB, KYT, and AML solutions
Go to the profile of Tony Petrov
Tony Petrov
Chief Legal Officer at Sumsub
Go to the profile of Vainius Fedotovas
Vainius Fedotovas
Head of Data Intelligence at Sumsub
Go to the profile of Maksim Artemev
Maksim Artemev
Lead Computer Vision Engineer at Sumsub
Go to the profile of Andrew Novoselsky
Andrew Novoselsky
Chief Product Officer at Sumsub
Go to the profile of Pavel Goldman-Kalaydin
Pavel Goldman-Kalaydin
Head of AI/ML at Sumsub
Go to the profile of Arina Ru
Arina Ru
Legal Counsel at Sumsub
Go to the profile of Alvaro Garcia
Alvaro Garcia
Alvaro works as a Transaction Monitoring Technical Manager at Sumsub.
Go to the profile of James Lee
James Lee
APAC Legal Director at Sumsub
Go to the profile of Peter Sever
Peter Sever
Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer at Sumsub – a verification platform that secures the whole user lifecycle with customizable KYC, KYB, KYT, and AML solutions
Go to the profile of Andrew Novoselsky
Andrew Novoselsky
Chief Product Officer at Sumsub