Munich — fundamentals are set!

Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2017

Established connections to Traditional Energy; Platform passes launch with flying colors

Holidays are upon us and almost two weeks have passed since our journey to Digital, Solar and Storage in Munich. We emphasized how important this was for us, and we did share a little bit about our journey, but with all the work we had, we were unable to provide a more detailed and in-depth report of our Bavarian venture. We sincerely apologize for that.

Matej, Mojca, Martina, Gregor, Lenart and Rok. We were excited, but tired too, since it took us six hours of drive-time to reach our destination.

With that out of the way, we can tell you all the rest about our Bavarian undertaking. We’ve also decided to highlight our team in this article a bit more this time. After all it is the advisors, the managers, the analysts and the engineers who form the core of SunContract, not just photovoltaics, heat pumps and blockchain.

As stated in one of our previous articles, our journey to Munich was successful. Our participation was a stepping stone for us to reach relevant Energy Market actors as well as established cryptocurrency investors.

There was not much time for slacking. We had to set up presentations and perform final checks of the platform. Presentation may take 20 minutes of talk, but it takes days to prepare and also quite a few last-minute checkups.

Digital, Solar and Storage hosted representatives of more than 200 companies from all around the world, most of which are members of the SolarPower Europe association. This was our chance to get face-to-face access to manufacturers, operators and maintainers of various Energy Market related equipment. We talked to many company representatives dealing with batteries, photovoltaics, inverters, large-scale units (wind turbines), energy generator manufacturing and many others.

It was far from just about the energy market related hardware. Our team held talks with prominent energy generators, distributors, traders, retailers, developers and researchers related to energy market as well as representatives of traditional energy companies (oil, coal …).

Some nice facts about power storage systems. Discussion was heated, but optimistic.

But it was local distributors and retailers that were pivotal for our team. We are talking about potential partners in various countries, battery unit manufacturers and other projects, all linked to the P2P Energy Market concept. It is here that NDAs come into play: we can say agreements were signed, but we may release more information only when we reach an agreement with our partners on marketing strategies.

Yes, guy in the middle is our Gregor.

The launch of the platform we wrote about in our last article, was a massive success. We have already exceeded 1k registered users, and more than 250 Pioneers are on board already. Technically, the platform passed the launch with flying colors. The video we launched during presentation is the first in line of many, we intend to produce in order to further illuminate our vision of the P2P Energy Market:

At this point, we have to admit, we are a bit beat. Still, even with Christmas around the corner, we invite you to check out our fully redesigned webpage, to contact us, should you experience any problem of technical or any other nature regarding our services. Our team will respond to any urgencies daily and you may reach us at

For early 2018, we can announce further expansion of our platform and the Pioneers program. Significant updates are in the works in the coming weeks.

We can’t say a single bad thing about Bavarian hospitality or the service we got during Digital, Solar and Storage.

We are very excited and hopeful about our project and all the support and feedback we got from old and established energy market players as well as those who sent a few adventurous SNCs into our shared journey.

SunContract team wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Also, as usual: Join our Telegram where you can talk with the team and great community. Follow us on Twitter and Medium. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new people and exchanges thanks to great community around SunContract project. Also, do not miss the unique use case of the SNC token and check the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token on HitBtc exchange.

Rok from SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.