SunContract’s Vision Made Real in Postojna

Published in
5 min readNov 24, 2017

Crypto currency got its foot in the door of reducing home heating costs to zero

Predjama Castle — Slovenia

We are still traveling. SunContract team just got back from a very successful and exciting trip to Hong Kong and while we are getting our strengths back, we are also gearing up for Munich.

That said, it’s time for us to answer a simple question: What is it about SunContract that sets it apart from most other ICO-based ventures? The answer is simple: We have the hardware.

Postojna Cave

Let us present you a small Slovenian town of Postojna. Famous for its Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle, Postojna now got on the global map as the first location to host a home with fully operational heat pump, paid entirely by SNC tokens. SNC tokens can now be used not only for buying and selling electricity on the SunContract Platform but also as payment currency for heat pumps and other energy equipment. This can mean great opportunity for those who want to invest smartly and become energy self-sufficient.

Getting rid of pollution — and expenses

Heat pump

In late October, a family of five (mum, dad, two preschoolers and a grandma) decided to go green and fully refurbish their 160 m2 suburban home in terms of heating supply. They decided to abandon old oil-fired furnace and replace it with a heat pump. By the 20th of November, they had it installed and running. The equipment was supplied by SONCE company which has over 15 years of experience in the field of energy supply.

For a family with two children and an elderly in their midst, this was not just a decision of going green. It is also about saving money. CO2 emissions within new parameters will be quite acceptable: They will be exactly 100% smaller than before. While oil-fired furnaces release about 2,68 kg of CO2 into atmosphere per each liter of consumed oil (that’s 5,5 tonnes of CO2 yearly), heat pump will produce no such fallout.

Expenses. With such projects — that often involve family homes — price is the key factor. We can here too, say, we only have good news.

In its current state, the house required about two tons of heating oil per year for proper heating. That means about 1800 euros (2100 USD) in Slovenia. This expense will be cut by more than half by reducing costs to mere 800 euros per year. But that is just a part of the home renovation.

Three parts of paying Zero heating and power costs

The second, integral part of redesigning home heating for this Postojna family, is setting up solar panels upon the roof by early spring. This will mean additional 11KW every hour, while consumption of solar power plant amounts to 8 KW, meaning surplus will be transferred to operating the heat pump. Consequently, less and less power will be drained from the public electrical grid. Estimated further savings should drive the annual price of heating to around 700 euros.

The final touch is thermal insulation of the entire house. When all three phases are concluded and this common suburban house reaps all the benefits of the heat pump, solar power plant and insulated structure, the cost of energy consumption should drop to about zero. All the energy needed for heating and operating the house will be produced at home.

At this point, it is probably quite redundant to mention, how excited we are about all this. This is not another crypto, founded on high hopes and false promises. Our vision is already gaining momentum in the real world.

Finding new friends in Munich

As we mentioned in the introduction, another thing is gaining momentum in SunContract ranks: Our preparation for Munich. It’s a big thing for us, very big. We already mentioned, our co-founder Gregor Novak will be a speaker there, but the trip to Germany means much more to us. Hong Kong tour reaped a lot of really nice success for us, but in Munich we expect to enhance SunContract’s presence on European energy markets. We want for people (and all relevant energy-sector players) to recognize and take heed of our efforts. As we emphasized in the Hong Kong venture, we can only bring this undertaking to fruition by connecting, by finding people, who may think completely differently from us, but are willing to hop on the train of blockchain and P2P Energy Market.

Often it’s about meetings with simple goals. We need to find common language with electric power transmission companies and local players to help us with marketing and reaching customers. Everything is easier when you have local guides who know lay of the land.

To conclude: this very first (and surely not last) purchase anchors SNC token in a universe, where buying and selling energy with cryptocurrency is part of the reality already.

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Do not miss this unique use case of SNC token and check the healthy and stable growth of SNC token on HitBtc exchange.

Your SunContract Team!




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.