SunContract setting things straight about crypto in Slovenia!

Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2018

Gregor Novak to speak at a major financial round table; Vibrant discussion to be attended by several crypto and investment experts

Hey guys! It has been a while. Still, when we do not make available some new information for a while, it can mean only one thing: We are working hard on a new phase of our SunContract story. Also, there were all these things, called “Christmas” and “New Year”, and we spent some time with our family, friends and pets.

Since January 1st, SunContract team is hard at work again. We can promise some interesting reveals in the coming weeks. Today, we would like to announce that our co-founder and CEO Gregor Novak got invited to 4th Day of Financial literacy! It’s a momentous event (at this point it is already sold out), with a goal of elevating overall financial literacy among Slovenes.

Some significant regional names like Prva insurance company, gold trading company Elementum, alternative investments advisory company King Consulting and BTC CITY (has nothing to do with Bitcoin, its one of the largest business, shopping, entertainment, recreation and cultural centers in Europe) have partnered on this project and this year, it is entirely focused on crypto. That is why SunContract has engaged in a role of a (financial) supporter of 4th Day of Financial literacy.

SunContract as a project for an average homeowner

While crypto is broadly discussed everywhere today, including mainstream media, it is a herculean task to bring actual understanding of crypto to the Average Joe. While crypto and SunContract community are humming with blockchain and crypto knowledge and are staying on top of latest trends, most people know barely anything beyond buzzwords regularly thrown around .

Also, there is an important point of SunContract project not being made primarily for investment daredevils. We intend to bring blockchain and benefits of P2P energy market to homeowners, people who have “normal” jobs, families and in terms of financial and digital, do not go beyond using a credit card and an online bank.

Thus, we are exceptionally happy with the fact, our CEO Gregor Novak got invited to a round table, entitled: Future of Financial Industry: Will Blockchain Really Change Everything? We already know it will, but discussion between Peter Merc (Blockchain Think Tank Slovenija), Nataša Kozlevčar (MoneyRebel), and our Gregor, are sure to shed some much welcomed light upon the subject.

Fusing experience with P2P Energy Market

Blockchain Think Tank Slovenija is very active and is comprised of stakeholders from trade and industry, science, education, public administration, public sector, local government and civil society with a view to collectively support Slovenia’s development and the implementation of the Digital Slovenia 2020 strategy.

Mrs. Kozlevčar represents a (potential) leading mobile platform for financial services in Europe in 2020. On top of its user base that was built during a successful pre-ICO crowdfunding campaign, Money Rebel is attracting new users and advisers with its suite of innovative and easy to use financial services.

Gregor will present the blockchain technology, its advantages and possible applications in the future as well as our present successes. SunContract’s undertaking of fusing decades of experience in the field of power generation and blockchain into a P2P Energy Market, will be a good example.

A few more notable names

Along Gregor and “Will blockchain really change everything? “ panel, a number of other interesting speakers will be participating: Miha Pulko is a CTO & co-founder of MoneyRebel, Mitja Vezovišek is a Managing Partner at Vezovišek & Partnerji and CEO at MoneyRebel, Roman Gomboc is Head of OptimTrader at CM-Equity, Gregor Zupanc is Co-founder and CEO of Solidum Capital, Ana Vezovišek is a Financial coach / Partner of Vezovišek & Partnerji and Jure Pirc is a representative of Bitcoin Association Slovenia. Make sure to check them out, since pretty much all of them are brewing something interesting in terms of blockchain or cryptocurrency these days.

That’s it for the day, SunContract team wishes you all a super successful crypto- and blockchain-related New Year!

Also, as usual:Join our Telegram where you can talk with the team and great community. Follow us on Twitter and Medium. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new people and exchanges thanks to great community around SunContract project. Also, do not miss the unique use case of the SNC token and check the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token on HitBtc exchange.

Rok from SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.