December 2022 Distribution Report

8 teams, 120 valid user profiles, 6,997,698 $SA distributed!


Photo by Ahmad Dirini on Unsplash

Distribution Numbers

  • Teams’ PoV Reports: 8
  • Valid User Profiles: 120
  • Total SA Distributed: 6,997,698


  • SA Distributed on Ethereum Chain: 6,904,200
  • First TRX: 2023–01–08 12:26:11
  • Last TRX: 2023–01–11 07:44:35
  • SA Distributed on BSC Chain: 93,498
  • First TRX: 2023–01–10 15:13:31
  • Last TRX: 2023–01–10 15:19:16

Proof of Value Reports

  • BigGremlin: Reporting program to provide further details on your Order History.
  • Translation Team: Teams continue to translate documents on Superalgos.
  • Team VEX: Continue to make SA visible.
  • Julian: Inbound marketing and various maintenance tasks.
  • Turkish Team: Signals test infrastructure.
  • Alex White: System debugging and upgrades.
  • Data Mining Team: Rounding out a busy year!
  • Signalytic: We’re like old friends with our 2 months old signal setups.

