Moving from Mailchimp to SuperPhone® in 3 Easy Steps

Bianca Surjawan
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2019


Text is becoming a more and more prevalent communication channel for a few strong reasons. First, there's an urgency that only text provides: 99% of text messages are opened within the first three minutes. Second, the conversion and click-through rates are consistently higher than email.

Even though you may alresdy have an email list, consider testing text with at least a subset of your subscribers. You'll find that the ones who care most will sign up for text updates. In this guide, I'll give you 3 easy steps to migrate your most engaged subscribers from email to text.

Step 1: Let your Mailchimp subscribers know about your new text list

Mailchimp’s email draft page where I’ve added a button that leads to my SuperPhone® form

Assuming you’re already a Mailchimp power user, this step will be a breeze. Simply choose the list you want to send the email campaign to, adjust the design (you’ll see with mine I made it very simple with one text content block and a button). Add your SuperPhone® form URL to the button and you’re all set!

This is my SuperPhone® form:

Step 2: Watch your SuperPhone® list grow

Mailchimp email campaign analytics showing the amount of link clicks on button

This is the fun part (if you like looking at analytics like me) — as Mailchimp starts tracking the link clicks on your button, you can also start to cross reference and see how well your audience is converting into SuperPhone®. Because text is still a bit foreign, you will find that the conversion rate might be a little low, however those who fill out your form and opt into text are going to be your most engaged subscribers.

My insights page on SuperPhone®

Step 3: Curate content that makes sense for text

A SuperPhone® update sent to my email subscribers

Since texting is restricted to 160 characters and a more intimate form of communication than email, we cannot stress enough that the type of content you curate in SuperPhone® needs to be as short, simple and direct as possible.

Remember that you want to take care of the trust that your subscribers have with you when they decide to opt-in to text. The most ideal text exchange will feel as human as possible (even at scale). In cases where you're using SuperPhone® in person, you'll want to read this article specifically addressing How to Humanize the Auto-Text Experience



Bianca Surjawan

Indonesian American | Creative Futurist | Passionate for UX Design | Startup Enthusiast | Former Chief of Staff @ SuperPhone®