Maui predictions

Chico Pimentel
Surf Metrics
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2016

We are approaching the last event of the Women’s Season in the WSL championship. Although Tyler Wright has already won the world title with amazing results, there is still entertainment in the WSL Fantasy game.

The predictions for this event are very solid and it is difficult to defy the numbers. The surfer that has the best numbers at the venue is Carissa Moore. Two consecutive wins (2014, 2015) leave few space for the other surfers. Count it together with the best event winning percentage (90.91%) and event average score (16.45).

On the tier B side there are three surfers that take the scene. Sally Fitzgibons, Stephanie Gilmore and Tatiana Weston-webb. From a stats point of view Sally is definitely the best amongst the three, leaving the battle for Tatiana and Stephanie. Looking at the numbers this season we see an improvement on Tatiana numbers, even though she is behind on stats we might see some improvement on her side. Stephanie is still in a low pattern, compared to the high standard she can deliver, she wins the battle on the stats but is no guarantee to win over Tatiana.

The tier C is always the most difficult spot, the surfers on the bottom of the rank have shown no consistency over the year. Amongst the possible picks, Alessa Quizon and Coco Ho are the best choices. Alessa has an impressive average score at Maui (14.29), with an incredible appearance last year. The surfers are really close and figuring out who might perform better is not an easy task. On my view Coco has the best chances, she seems more consistent on the venue and has won 7 heats this year, while Alessa has won only 4. Lets wait to see who wins this battle.

If you want to compare and follow my predictions get into our league, the passoword is fst.

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