The Tides of Seriphellum [ Part VIII ]

Jad Jabbour
Surreal Estates
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2015

The Dark Unicorns

Parts: [I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX] [X]

We stocked our ship with the weapons we had collected from the wreckage of the bot-ship. We had eliminated the threat that faced us, faster than we thought we could. The bot-ship was scattered into pieces; and the robots that were on board have all been destroyed. Fearvasa had sustained some damage, but it was nothing that Kroglow and Molnaaz couldn't fix in under a day.

My resolve was as firm as ever, and so, I had asked them to fix the minor issues with Fearvasa when we reached the next island. I did not want to hinder our progress. I figured that after we dock on the shores of the island we were headed towards, they will take the time to make these fixes. In the meantime we’d be out hunting down the third piece of the shard. The signal I was picking up from that shard was twice as intense as the one coming out of the smaller shards in my possession; It was twice as large as them, I had assumed this much about the third shard.

Just before we left the wreckage and continued on our way, Bondix called on me and slid down the sail pole. He rushed to my side and told me that he saw a small cage floating on the surface around the other side of the wreckage. He also said that he saw two small creatures moving inside that cage. I used the ship’s controls to guide it around the wreckage and towards the other side. As we approached it, Pleianaz called on her powers and magically lifted the cage onto Fearvasa. Inside the cage, there were two weird little “animals”. They looked exactly the same. Like a real living teddy bear. Short and stubby, all their body was covered with short black velvet-y fur except for their faces, which were covered with beige fur. Big black eyes and a very small mouth made them look like hug-able fluffy toys. As soon as I looked upon them their eyes glowed blue, and so did mine. They tranced me into some kind of dream and in that dream, they spoke to me.

“We come from a different reality, and we are here to help you Jhunz. I am Iy, and that is my twin Ow.” one of them said. “We are friends of the black dragon, we were captured by the robots and were waiting for the right time to destroy their ship but it seems you had beaten us to it” the other continued. I woke up from my trance seconds later and opened the cage. I explained to the crew that they were friends and not foes. But something strange had happened. Eventhough they did not move their mouths, Iy and Ow —as they said their names were— continued talking to me, telepathically. They told me that among the wreckage of the bot-ship there was a technology that we could steal and use. The technology would allow our ship to fly. Iy said that it looked like a golden globe; he also said that something inside it rotates and nullifies gravity. We searched for some time among the wreckage but could not find it. Until Bondix saw something shine in a distance. We headed in its direction, and as we got closer, we could see that it was the device we were looking for. Molnaaz and Kroglow immediately took the device into the engine room to find a way to install it. And Fearvasa continued on her way.

We started closing in on our target island. It was dark, cloudy and moist. It appeared as though it was in a constant state of night-time because of all the dark clouds above it. The entire crew stayed behind this time while Pleianaz and I went on to seek the shard. Iy and Ow, having been tired from their adventures, stayed behind and slept as well. The deeper into the island’s forest we walked, the stronger the signal became. But as it were, it was already silencing the pulses from the shards in my possession. It was much more powerful than the shards I had.

A black cloud suddenly appeared along the path in front of us. The cloud transformed to smoke and the smoke subsided, revealing the woman hiding behind and the dark unicorns that stood behind her. She had long black hair, white skin and evergreen eyes. She wore leather pants, a black shirt and combat boots. In one hand she held the shard, in the other she held a spear. She did not utter one word, she aimed the spear at Pleianaz and threw it. Fast with her magic, Pleianaz split into seven and all seven changed their position. But before I could draw a grin on my face, I saw the spear splitting into seven, each spear targeting each shadow of Pleianaz. The spear struck them all down, in seconds all her shadows remerged and she reappeared next to me. Standing where she first stood, she had the original spear lodged in her throat. I held her as she fell down; and as I felt her draw her last breathe the shards in my pocket flew out and I fell unconscious.

