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Survata Engineering Blog
The Brand Intelligence Platform
Note from the editor

The Brand Intelligence Platform

Go to the profile of Survata, THE Brand Intelligence Platform
Survata, THE Brand Intelligence Platform
Survata makes brand marketing more impactful. Survata plans, measures, and optimizes brand marketing.
Go to the profile of George London
George London
I'm an Oakland-based developer. I turn data into understanding. Semper Torrens.
Go to the profile of Amrita Hemdev
Go to the profile of Marisniulkis
Engineer, sometimes poet. Diversity advocate. VenusIT and VoiceFirst Weekly founder.
Go to the profile of Russell Keith-Magee
Russell Keith-Magee
Founding Apiarist on @PyBeeWare project. @DjangoProject Core Developer. Itinerant shaver of yaks. Subject to occasional, wild, enthusiastic rants. He/Him.