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Byron Wien

The Life Report: Byron R. Wien

Wien’s an incredible market commentator, is featured in Barron’s this week. Loved the writing and his insights. Selections/reactions:

“Eventually I developed the necessary skills and became a partner of the firm. The lesson…

creativity, inc

Great passage from our latest company book club selection, Creativity, Inc:

Hindsight is not 20–20. Not even close. Our view of the past, in fact, is hardly clearer than our view of the future. While we know more about a past event than a future one, our understanding of the…

good articles to read, take two.


6) Dream on a shelf — ESPN.com OTL. Interesting read on the insides of big money sport. More as a human interest story than financial deep-dive.

reading: the unforgiving minute.

I read Joker One and The Unforgiving Minute back-to-back (thanks, Amazon recommendations!) I expected…

does twitter improve memory?

Last month I read an article in Wired about a woman who remembers everything. You name a date and she’ll tick off hundreds of events that have happened to her on this date. The publicity eventually attracted Wired. The article reached the new conclusion that the reason she…