Go to Sustainicity
Sustainable development is like inner peace. Everybody wants it, but you don’t know how to get it! This blog is dedicated to the sustainable development around the world and how technology, among other things, are helping us to achieve the goal.
Note from the editor

Sustainable development is like inner peace. Everybody wants it, but you don’t know how to get it! This blog is dedicated to the sustainable development around the world and how technology, among other things, are helping us to achieve the goal.

Go to the profile of Ritvik Sapra
Ritvik Sapra
I write because my little brain can not contain so many thoughts!
Go to the profile of Manind Gera
Manind Gera
I wear glasses to C#
Go to the profile of Ranjachakraborty
Go to the profile of Manind Gera
Manind Gera
I wear glasses to C#
Go to the profile of Ritvik Sapra
Ritvik Sapra
I write because my little brain can not contain so many thoughts!
Go to the profile of Sanchi Bansal
Sanchi Bansal
an avid observer, trying to learn her place in this wide tech world.
Go to the profile of Ranjachakraborty
Go to the profile of Harshita Garg
Harshita Garg
I am an creative writer, enthusiastic web developer and a learner who gains knowledge, grows, writes and code.