How we got Tim Draper, Don Tapscott and Singularity University to support our dream?

Edmilson Rodrigues
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018

Written by Edmilson Rodrigues (CEO at Swapy Network)

Swapy Network is the only token project in the world which united Tim Draper, Don Tapscott and Singularity University in the same network.

A few people asked us how we accomplished this. How did you get so many high profile individuals/organizations to put their names and commit their time to your project?

In a nutshell, I think Tim, Don, the Singularity University faculty and all our other advisors liked us because of the following:

  1. Passion: You may have noticed how we speak so passionately about the problem of access to credit. We experienced the problem first hand. This is more than money for us, it´s a mission. I think that is what impressed our advisors the most.
  2. Resilience: Did we tell you the story of when we almost went bankrupted after the first year, and we worked 6 months without getting paid? This showed our advisors that we may pivot, but never give up on our venture.
  3. Accountability: We send updates to our early investors every 15 days. We do not keep anything from them, sharing with them the good and the bad news. Our community can expect the same level of transparency from us. As an example, we already sent Dev updates #1, #2 and #3.
  4. Consistent evolution: With some partners, like Singularity University, we did not join them on the first try. For example, we applied for the SU Labs in 2015 but were not accepted. However, with the new application, we showed them what we had learned and improved since the last try. This display of consistency and evolution of our project impressed.
  5. The dream: I would be hypocritical if I did not say that the social impact vision helps us to sell our project. Everyone wants to see a world of Universal access to credit, where everyone has access to their dreams. So, if you are committing your time and effort to something, make sure it improves the world somehow.

All our advisors have been very kind and available to us. We are very thankful for having them onboard. #StrongerTogether.

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