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Swarm Blog
Welcome to the land of Swarmies
Note from the editor

Welcome to the land of Swarmies

Go to the profile of Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer at Swarm · Co-Founder of UX+ Conference · Host of Roots · https://alexiscollado.com
Go to the profile of Alannah Mitra
Go to the profile of Jiggy Villanueva
Jiggy Villanueva
Helping people tell their unique stories through branding and UX design. Product Designer for Kalibrr and Tayohelp.com
Go to the profile of Pauline Wee
Pauline Wee
Product Design @ Swarm, prev. Dashlabs.ai (YC W21). Writing about her UX journey, community-centric tech, and stories that matter.
Go to the profile of Rafael Dytoc
Rafael Dytoc
Product Design Intern at Swarm, VP for UX Design at User Experience, Information Design Student at Ateneo de Manila University
Go to the profile of Patricia Ramos
Patricia Ramos
Product Design at Swarm and AcadArena. Previously UX Society. Learning and sharing. patriciaramos.webflow.io
Go to the profile of Alannah Mitra
Go to the profile of Pauline Wee
Pauline Wee
Product Design @ Swarm, prev. Dashlabs.ai (YC W21). Writing about her UX journey, community-centric tech, and stories that matter.
Go to the profile of Jiggy Villanueva
Jiggy Villanueva
Helping people tell their unique stories through branding and UX design. Product Designer for Kalibrr and Tayohelp.com
Go to the profile of Rafael Dytoc
Rafael Dytoc
Product Design Intern at Swarm, VP for UX Design at User Experience, Information Design Student at Ateneo de Manila University