10 Powerhouse Women in Blockchain to Follow on Twitter

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4 min readFeb 28, 2018

Women, men, children and seniors — blockchain is a new technology, and anyone who can use it to make a change, reimagine the traditional, or drive innovation is welcome in our books. Needless to say, we’re happy to have a number of incredible women making PolySwarm work, including our Chief Economist and VP of Community Management. Learn more about them at the PolySwarm team page after you read about the powerhouse females in our list. (And don’t forget to follow PolySwarm on Twitter as well!)

Elizabeth Stark (@starkness)
Co-Founder, Lightning Labs

Stark is a graduate of Harvard Business School, co-founder of Lightning Labs, a startup developing protocols for speeding up crypto transactions. As a “big fan of the Internet,” Stark has taught about the future of the online world at both Yale and Stanford, and is also a Fellow at Coin Center, the leading digital currency policy organization.

Check out a talk she gave at Blockstack Summit 2017:

Laura Shin (@LauraShin)
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Journalist

As host of Unchained Podcast and Unconfirmed Podcast, Shin is regularly sharing insights and talking with experts in the field. She regularly writes for Forbes and authored the Forbes eBook, The Millennial Game Plan: Career and Money Secrets To Succeed In Today’s World.

Check out some of her recent work at Forbes.com and follow on Twitter to stay up to date with all of her recent work.

Women in Blockchain (@wblockchain)
Worldwide Organization

This new group has been making its rounds at blockchain conferences and hosting meetups all over the world, from Brisbane to Cabo. Follow them on Twitter for inspiration tweets and photos from recent happenings, and join their group on MeetUp to find an upcoming event near you.

Rachel Wolfson (RachelWolf00)
Board Adivsor, Journalist, Entrepreneur

Rachel Wolfson, staff writer for Bitcoin Magazine and regular contributor to Forbes, writes about crypto and blockchain, supporting women in crypto along the way. She has worldwide experience writing about technology, having spent four years as a technology journalist in Tel Aviv.

Follow her on Twitter to catch the latest and greatest in tech, ICOs, crypto and more.

Preethi Kasireddy (@iam_preethi)
Blockchain Engineer, Founder and CEO, Schelling

Kasireddy completed the intensive full-stack software engineering academy in San Francisco, Hack Reactor in addition to graduating with her B.S. from the University of Southern California.

In her Medium blog, she says, “I have a passion for understanding things at a fundamental level and sharing it as clearly as possible.” This honest and straight-forward outlook on blockchain comes through in all she does, including her tweets and blog posts,

Rhian Lewis (@rhian_IS)
Director, Salvia Media Services

Lewis is making waves in the London blockchain community. She founded the London chapter of the Women in Bitcoin with friends, and regularly attends and speaks at blockchain and cryptocurrency conferences. She’s also co-developer of the altcoin portfolio tracker Count My Crypto.

Listen to Lewis on the Test Talks podcast.

Meltem Demirors (@Melt_Dem)
Founding Member and Director, Digital Currency Group (DCG)

As a Director and founding member at DCC, Demirors works to develop blockchain technology protocols. She also actively works to mitigate centralized cryptocurrency pools, specifically with the Bitcoin currency. Follow her on Twitter for musings on current events in blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Pamela Morgan (@PamelaWJD)
Attorney, CEO, Third Key Solutions

Morgan isn’t just a woman in blockchain — she’s an all-around rockstar: “attorney, educator, entrepreneur and public speaker,” according to her LinkedIn. She’s shares her many insights on her Medium.com blog, in between running Third Key Solutions, a boutique consulting agency that helps people keep their digital assets and cryptocurrencies more secure. She began focusing on cryptocurrency in law in 2014, advising clients about bitcoin and other digital currencies.

She’s often Tweeting fun stories about tech world and asking for feedback or thoughts for her upcoming book. Don’t miss her 2017 talk, “Bitcoin, Blockchain and Smart Contracts.”

Elizabeth Rossiello (@e_rossiello)
CEO and Co-Founder, BitPesa

Rossiello’s Twitter reads like an inspirational feed of what can happen when you’re helping the world become a better place using blockchain. Her company BitPesa helps faciltate B2B and FX payments across Africa, but she’s not new to this continent. She’s worked in Kenya as a Microfinance Analyst and Investment Associate since 2009.

Sally Eaves (@SallyEaves)
CTO, Advisor, Speaker and Author

Eaves is seemingly doing it all. She’s a recently appointed adviser for Play2Live and has a long list of specialties, as spelled out on her LinkedIn, including: “Business Consulting, Technology Consulting, FinTech, Online Media Strategy, Individual, Team and Executive Coaching and Mentoring, Leadership Development, Intrapreneurship, Attitude, Behaviour and Cultural Change, Employee Engagement, Business, Technology and Education Research”

The powerhouse blockchain female is an official member of the Forbes Technology Council, CTO for MindFit, and an adviser and mentor the Queen’s Young Leaders Program and Nuggets. Follow her on Twitter for updates on everything from FinTech to conference updates.




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