Why Does Your Company Need Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)

Denisa Paslaru
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2019

What is the first thing that pops into your head when you think about blockchain? For most people, the instant association they make is with Bitcoin. But cryptocurrency was just the beginning of an underlying technology that has the power to improve business outcomes by streamlining their processes and fixing most of their problems with costs and dev teams.

How does Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) Help Your Company?

Think about it in terms of website hosting services. Drawing an easy parallel, BaaS has its own storage capabilities and offers all of the tools you would need in order to implement your decentralized project.

The service providers take care of everything for you, from setting up the blockchain implementation, deploying and maintaining your given nodes, to then manage the back-end services, making sure your project runs smoothly and without any downtimes.

Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) is a significant part of the blockchain economy and is contributing to the blockchain development. It has been introduced as a result of the high rate of technology disruption.

Business process management is a system that each company needs to look into. As it refers to the design, execution, and improvement of entire operations, these are procedures that have always been used to streamline and automate the way firms bring their products or services to the mass market and finally to the end consumers.

Within the blockchain, the information is grouped into blocks, which link to form a chain with other blocks of similar information. It is this act of linking blocks into a chain that makes the information stored on a blockchain so reliable. Once the data is recorded in a block it cannot be altered without having to change every block that came after it, making it impossible to do so without it being seen by the other participants on the network.

Using blockchain as a service comes out more of a hidden benefit, as not many people think of it as a decentralized Google Drive or remote application they can use to run their business operations in a more transparent and safe way. Instead of running storage through a company that controls it centrally, a decentralized blockchain network stores the data among many compute nodes, allowing for the information to be accessed from multiple places and also adding a safe layer in case of any server damage should happen.

“Using a Blockchain as a Service model, customers can focus on their core businesses and competition strategies while counting on the BaaS partner to handle the Blockchain infrastructure and its performance. Eventually, it empowers them to execute distributed-ledger workloads in environments that demand an impeccable degree of fault tolerance.”

All the stored data is encrypted and each member of the network controls their own encryption key. This is what makes the blockchain an unbreakable solution for the way you store and manage data coming from your day-to-day business operations and transactions. A centralized option usually costs more, can be prone to cyberattacks, and runs the risk of having all the information stored in the same place, making data exchange not so very fluid.

SWAZM — Going Beyond the Cloud

Imagine an infrastructure capable of supporting millions of users at very high network speed. A decentralized architecture to enable horizontal scaling of DApps into mainstream usage. Issues like storage space, processing speed, quality data traffic can no longer be a problem, as SWAZM makes the development of your project possible, without worrying about backend or frontend details. Basically letting you focus only on the features and advantages your future decentralized project can have on business objectives and clients. SWAZM is offering a turnkey storage space to expand any scalable and extended database-type project for your company.

The future of business is on the blockchain. Here’s what SWAZM can do for you in terms of storage, project scalability, and process improvements. The storage capacity is built on unutilized compute capacities from computers that make-up your network, making use of available space that can be used to benefit your project build and maintained.

By using cryptographic hash functions, you can rest assured of the privacy of your data, as well as the collaborative experiences derived from a peer-to-peer network enhancing communications within your team. Not relying on centralized storage space, the system can work faster and cheaper, streamlining the entire operations flow.

At SWAZM we build custom-tailored solutions serving as a platform for hosting and storage services, using all the available space, even residual computing, and storage resources available on the blockchain network. We see computing power as digital currency, a resource that can be redistributed and aimed towards building hosting solutions for traditional web apps, have access to decentralized personal storage space, giving you more safety for highly private documents through the use of cryptographic storage tech.

From us to you… the hero brands and individuals of this world we live in! We’re empowering decentralization. Come join us on Telegram, connect on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, visit our website and find out how can we best help your business operations. Become a part of the SWAZM culture.


SWAZM is the next-generation decentralized storage and compute platform, designed to enable horizontal scaling of distributed applications. SWAZM facilitates effective decentralization by creating a new complete infrastructure solution with a reliable transfer network, storage capabilities, and compute containers. Tailored solutions aiming to improve your decentralized project.

