Go to SwiftCairo
Local iOS community based in cairo، mainly about swift, iOS, apple, iPhone and programming
Note from the editor

Local iOS community based in cairo، mainly about swift, iOS, apple, iPhone and programming

Go to the profile of Abdoelrhman Mohamed
Abdoelrhman Mohamed
I’m a problem solver who turns challenges into fun puzzles. I find inspiration on walks and enjoy sharing my adventures and solutions through writing. Join me!
Go to the profile of Attia Mo
Attia Mo
iOS Developer at Flixbus📱⌚️💻 , Co-founder @SwiftCairo.
Go to the profile of Ahmed
Here I document my thoughts; personal, life experience or tech-related. For my kinda-depressed thoughts check my tumblr secret blog (good luck finding it xD)
Go to the profile of Mostafa Abdellateef
Mostafa Abdellateef
Software Engineer, iOS and Android Developer
Go to the profile of Elsayed Hussein
Elsayed Hussein
iOS Developer
Go to the profile of Hassan El Desouky
Hassan El Desouky
Developer Tools Engineer at Apple
Go to the profile of Mostafa Abdellateef
Mostafa Abdellateef
Software Engineer, iOS and Android Developer
Go to the profile of Ahmed Ramy
Ahmed Ramy
An iOS Software Engineer from Egypt, who took a healthy interest in Apple and later on decided to become a Software Engineer in their Products
Go to the profile of Fadi Ossama
Fadi Ossama
iOS Team Lead
Go to the profile of yusef naser