Swift World This Week(08.14–08.20)

Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2017

Machine Learning

GitHub — hollance/CoreMLHelpers: Types and functions that make it a little easier to work with Core ML in Swift.

  • convert images to CVPixelBuffer objects and back
  • MLMultiArray to image conversion
  • a more Swift-friendly version of MLMultiArray
  • handy Array functions to get top-5 predictions, argmax, and so on
  • non-maximum suppression for bounding boxes

Machine Learning for iOS

Machine learning and computer vision open new kind of applications for iOS, tvOS and macOS devices. Smarter, more user-friendly and convenient applications are already starting to appear on mobile devices.


GitHub — bjarnel/arkit-smb-homage: An implementation of a Super Mario Bros-like game in augmented reality with ARKit and SceneKit.

Big AR: The Current State of Augmented Reality — Kevin Mise — Medium

Big AR is a series of blog posts that look to uncover the current state of AR and use current and forecasted trends to get a glimpse of where our AR future may head.

Big AR: Gaming, Marketing, and You — Kevin Mise — Medium

Big AR: Augmented Reality and Marketing — Kevin Mise — Medium

Big AR: Android vs iOS — Hacker Noon

Big AR: The Future of Augmented Reality — Hacker Noon

Swift 5

swift-evolution Swift 5: start your engines

I am not going to repeat all of that information here, but I wanted to highlight a few important things: ABI Stability, other focus areas (including laying the groundwork for concurrency) and changes to the language evolution process.


Replacing legacy code using Swift protocols — Swift by Sundell

Rather than suffering through all of the stress, risk and pain of completely rewriting a huge system from scratch, let’s take a look at a technique that I usually use when dealing with legacy code — that lets you replace a problematic system class by class, rather than having to do it all at once.


GitHub — schibsted/layout: A declarative UI framework for iOS

Layout is a framework for implementing iOS user interfaces using runtime-evaluated expressions for layout and (optionally) XML template files. It is intended as a more-or-less drop-in replacement for Nibs and Storyboards, but offers a number of advantages.

GitHub — radianttap/Swift-Network: Simple building blocks for any network / API wrappers you may need to write in Swift


GitHub — carolanitz/Awesome-iOS-Twitter: A curated list of awesome iOS Twitter accounts

A curated list of awesome iOS Twitter accounts worth following inspired by Awesome iOS The list is divided into the categories People, Conferences and Blogs.


The Tech Lead’s New Project Checklist — In Simple Terms

my notes from a session on what a tech lead needs to do and know when arriving on a new project.

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Peng is a passionate iOS developer, blogger and open source contributor. Talk to him by nilstack(Twitter)/guoleii@gmail.com/nilstack(GitHub)/Peng(Linkedin).




Written by Peng

Engineers are the artists of our generation.

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