Go to Swing Left
Swing Left
We’re flipping the Senate, the White House and key state legislatures by empowering volunteers and donors everywhere to help win critical elections.
Note from the editor

Swing Left is a national grassroots organization created to support progressive candidates in Swing Districts and help take back the House in 2018.

Go to the profile of Swing Left
Swing Left
We’re flipping the Senate, the White House and key state legislatures by empowering volunteers everywhere to help win critical elections. swingleft.org/medium
Go to the profile of Nia Bentall
Nia Bentall
College Programs Director at Swing Left
Go to the profile of EthanTodrasWhitehill
Co-Founder & Executive Director of @swingleft. Dad, writer, teacher, newly minted activist.
Go to the profile of Leah Akins
Go to the profile of Matt Ewing
Matt Ewing
Chief Community Officer @SwingLeft. Former Director of Engagement @SolarCity & Founder at @ScootNetworks. Doing my best to build stuff that matters.
Go to the profile of Catherine Vaughan
Catherine Vaughan
Co-Executive Director, Swing Left and Co-Founder, Flippable
Go to the profile of Ryan Quinn
Ryan Quinn
Political Analyst, Swing Left