B2B Lead Generation Strategies 🚀, Buyer Personas 👩 🧑 👨 👵and much more…

Vlad Labowski
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2019

For most B2B businesses staying on top of lead generation strategies and tactics that actually work is a constant struggle. A couple of reasons for it to be honest:

  1. Audience whereabouts tend to change over time making it hard to keep up.
  2. Not every channel or tactic work for every business. You can find yours but only through trials and tribulations.
  3. Businesses usually keep lead generation teams small.

Because of these making a B2B Lead Generation Strategies post is immensely hard and more often than not you can find mediocre articles tackling the subject.

Nope. I’m not gonna write one. Instead I’m gonna share an awesome post from LeadFeeder, a marketing platform, titled 61 B2B Lead Generation Strategies and Tactics for 2019.

From website optimization and content marketing tricks to paid and email marketing. Everything is there!

Before you start with it keep in mind you should first define your goals and audience. Luckily for you these two topics are covered today as well. Just look for the links down below 😎


Case Study: Veronym — Because we like case studies. This one talks about blazing fast JAMstack website built with Gatsby, Storyblok and Netlify for a cloud-based security service Veronym.

61 B2B Lead Generation Strategies and Tactics for 2019 — Lead generation for B2B businesses isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair. What works for a drug testing company may not work for a B2B SaaS company. When you market for B2B, you have to go where your ideal clients or customers are.

The Ultimate Buyer Personas Guide To Skyrocket Your Revenue — Buyer personas are key to designing a perfect product/service, and keeping it that way. Learn how to make one.

How To Setup Your Blog Correctly? — First off users these days do not visit a blog to just view the newest post. They want to solve a problem, and rarely does that happen through the very traditional, newest to oldest blog structure as we imagine it.

How A Successful Kickstarter Campaign Made $15k In 28 Hours — Emails work! Learn how to setup newsletter and utilize its power for your business.

JavaScript SEO video series — Google made a new video series on JavaScript SEO that benefits both web developers and SEOs. In the series we want to help making discoverable web apps with JavaScript.

The Average Employee Works 3 Hours Out Of Every 8 — Numerous studies have shown that the average employee only works three out of a typical eight hour work day. Why is that?

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Vlad Labowski

Tech nerd. Love strawberries. Writes nerdy stuff. Navigator in troubled mobile and video monetization seas.