Video Converts Better

Vlad Labowski
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2018
“man using video camera shooting woman dancing inside room” by ShareGrid on Unsplash

Second of the three-part series blog post aims to describe all the advantages and benefits of using video when promoting your product or service. Check out Part 1 here.

One of the most important concerns every marketer has is definitely how to increase revenues. Around 76% of the CMO-s claim they are planning to produce more content. 72% of them claims that creating more engaging content is their top priority, but what concerns them the most is how can they produce more content that will convert better?

So, What Is An Effective Content?

As we have discussed in previous blog post, video is the type of content that can bring huge benefits when being used as a marketing tool. Video can provoke, engage and convert audiences to customers, when being used in the right way of course. Wyzowl’s February survey, “The State of Video Marketing in 2016,” shows 61% of businesses stated that they currently use video as a marketing tool and of that 61%, 2/3 were not using video just one year earlier.

Simply put video content has a huge marketing potential because

  1. it creates a significant increase in organic search traffic
  2. it increases time spent on site and conversion rates
  3. it increases shares especially via social networks and finally all this because
  4. it connects with viewers at their emotional core and allows them to identify with your content.

Video Is Good For Conversation And Brand Awareness

Wyzowl’s survey also revealed that 93% of businesses who use video believe it has increased user understanding of their product and/or service. Nowadays more and more sites are using video to explain their business, products, and services and there’s a scientific basis for doing this. Videos incorporate four elements that human beings are wired to pay attention to: faces, voices, body language and movement. It’s an attention grabber like no other by itself and publishing your video content through the use of appropriate/branded video players captures viewers attention additionally improving conversion rates even more so.

Video Keeps Your Viewers Longer On Your Website

It’s well known that web attention spans are short. According to the study done by Anagard, it’s a theory of “blink and you’ll miss it”. People usually stay on your site for six seconds or less, if it includes video. If people don’t look, your site can’t convert, so anything that makes them look longer will help with conversions. That is the main advantage and the main reason for sticking of a video on your homepage or your landing page.

Use Video Content To Answer Some Of The Most Common Questions of Your Customers

Potential customers usually have the same basic questions about any product or service. By the help of your video, you can answer those questions in by telling stories in an interesting and more human way making it a good share ie something people would find worth sharing. For example,according to the Unbounce, having an explainer video that shows the value of your product/service offer can boost conversions by 20%.

It just goes to show that while making a video you need to tell a good story, something that will drag attention, educate, inspire and/or engage viewers at the same time. Try to offer your fans something different, something fresh. Even small things count like changing your player skin (for gaming, sport, woman, movies…btw BridTv has them all pre-made), for example, can give your audience authentic video experience alongside your story.

Video Content is More Shareable Than Other Type of Content

The social media offers the great opportunity to get your message out there, engage, inform, interact, and enable your audience to pass your message forward. That way you will get your first batch of number one fans and your potential customers. Actually, thanks to social networks and smartphones video content is the most shareable type of content on the web. Just think about this: Facebook is now seeing 100 million hours of video watched daily and they are working on a “dedicated place” for people who are visiting this social media site only to watch videos. How often did you see FaceBook making a mistake?

Given all this 2016 is gonna be huge on video content. Everyone embraced it. From social networks and advertisers to small businesses who need new ways to promote their products and services. So, how important is video for your digital strategy?

Originally published at BridTV blog here. Updated for SWIPE magazine. A lot has happened since 2016 ;-)

Read on…the links :-)

You know I love to share links well worth of your time. This time check out the following:

6 Conversion-Boosting Benefits of Online Videos
Video Converts Better Than Text, and other Marketing Stats You Should Know
5 Reasons Why Video Is More Effective than Text
18 Must-See Video Marketing Secrets & Insights

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Vlad Labowski

Tech nerd. Love strawberries. Writes nerdy stuff. Navigator in troubled mobile and video monetization seas.