SWIPE Bi-Weekly Update, 24th September — 5th October

Malcolm Chang
Published in
6 min readOct 11, 2018

Hey everyone, welcome back to another Bi-weekly update! During these two weeks, the SWIPE team split up and went to both Jakarta in Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia to attend and host various events. Meeting with various communities and industry leaders has broaden our network and perspective and we are extremely grateful to all who have supported and befriended us along our journey.


Singapore blockchain week was a huge event and we had a great time participating in it, for more info read our previous bi-weekly update! And just a week after that, it was time for KL Blockchain week which was filled with an array of conferences and fringe events. Read on for all the juicy details!

26th September: Ethereum meetup Indonesia, featuring Tanibox & Rate3

We are proud to be the organizers of Ethereum meetup Indonesia as it is very exciting country to be in. It has the 3rd largest population in the world and shockingly, more than 50% of Indonesians are unbanked due to various reasons such as lack of documentation. For this very reason, blockchain technology could serve as a very important catalyst to equip a huge population with the ability to manage their assets online without going through the traditional financial system which they have no access to. The other exciting statistic is that the mobile penetration rate of Indonesians are at 67% and growing at an extremely rapid pace. This is further evidence that Indoensia is ripe for disruption many Indonesians connected to the internet.

Both Asep Bagja Priandana, CEO of Tanibox, which is developing Smart Agriculture for Sustainable Food System by combining blockchain and Internet of Things to empower food & agricultural supply chain and Jake Goh, CEO of Rate3 which is creating a connected tokenized world by bridging enterprises to the blockchain through cross-chain asset tokenization and identity management, shared their excitement about the opportunities that are in Indonesia and spoke eloquently about their mission and how they are solving real world problems with their solutions with the utilization of blockchain technology. For more information on their projects, we highly encourage you to have a look at their website and reach out to them via Telegram!

SWIPE is committed to building the blockchain community of Indonesia and we are very grateful to our team in Indonesia for helping with organizing of the meetups and managing the local community. Look our for our next installment of Ethereum meetup Indonesia and contact us at Hello@swipecrypto.com for any collaboration or recommendations of topics. We would love to hear from you!

27 & 28th September: DAIBC Investments & Project Showcases

DAIBC was an exciting conference which featured many top VC funds from around the world and brought them to a single location. Many interesting projects such as Alluma, an exchange focusing on emerging markets presented during the conferences. It was also a great chance for projects to meet new investors and follow up with existing contacts to provide updates about the project and the progress. Fund raising is a tough process but with persistence and constant development of the product, it is possible to attract investors, even in this market!

Picture of the meeting area outside the conference where the refreshments are
Credits to ParcelX for the photo. For more info about DAIBC, check out their article here!

27th September: G1 Malaysia Monthly Blockchain KL Meetup

G1 Malaysia Monthly Blockchain KL Meetup was a fantastic meetup that showed the strength and bond of the KL blockchain community. Co-organised by a very influential individual in the blockchain space, Mark Pui has done a great job in building a community that no only gathers to share innovative blockchain ideas but also gathers for sports activities! For me, the highlight of the event was a presentation by Indra Darmawan CEO of Lyfe, a Wellness Rewards and Gamification Platform.

Lyfe is an upcoming decentralized platform designed to reward and gamify a healthy lifestyle. Utilizing blockchain technology, users can participate in challenges and competitions centered around physical activity and healthy living. Users participate for free and can earn Lyfe tokens for successfully finishing these challenges.

This was a great chance for us to source for new partnerships with other like minded projects and a casual way to find out more about various developments in the space. Overall it was a very fun and well planned event and we really enjoyed ourselves!

28th September: Ethereum meetup KL, Co-organised by Hello Gold and Etherscan

The topic of Ethereum KL was exchanges! Both Loi Luu, CEO & Co-founder of Kyber Network and Gerry Eng, CTO & Co-founder of CoinHako were speakers at this event and gave their perspectives on the pros and cons of Centralized and Decentralized exchanges. They may be different in process, but similar in the end goal of providing liquidity, which is a major step in bringing cryptocurrencies to the masses. It is really great to know that both Kyber Network and CoinHako are working hard to solve this issue of liquidity in their own ways and have a very realistic road map to achieve their goals.

Loi Luu and Gerry Eng engaging in a health debate about the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized exchanges
Awesome community at Ethereum KL! Thanks for having us!

A big shoutout to our friends from Hello Gold and Etherscan for organizing this meetup! We are happy that it was such a huge success and we enjoyed ourselves very much.

29th September: Meeting with Plug and Play Indonesia


Plug and Play is a very famous accelerator from Silicon Valley and their goal is to help startups grow and succeed and they have successfully accelerated 426 companies in 2017 and raised over $7 Billion by their portfolio companies with over 300 VCs in their ecosystem.

From their website: “We believe that technology has the power to make the world a better place and we invest our time and resources into entrepreneurs that are making an impact.

Since 2006, we’ve been accelerating startups, matchmaking them with corporate clients, and investing in them.”

We were very excited to have met the Plug and Play Indonesia team in their office in Jakarta to showcase SWIPE and how we are utilizing blockchain technology to solve user data privacy issues, provide data ownership to users and help app developers to collect data effectively and in a compliant way.

Featuring the SWIPE team! From left: Adam, CVO, Iyan, COO and Andrew, CTO

It was an exciting two weeks spent in both Indonesia and Malaysia and we met many new people including investors, accelators, projects and community members. It is heartening to know that even with the Cryptocurrency marketing being so sluggish, the excitement for blockchain technology is still extremely strong. We will continue doing our best to develop our product and constantly work hard to make ourselves known. A big thanks to our awesome community for sticking with us for so long, we are grateful for your continuous support!


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Malcolm Chang

Blockchain enthusiast and Marketing guy for swipecrypto.com. Open minded, enjoys reading about alternative ideas and loves history.