SwissBorg DAO App Update

Insights about the DAO App 1.4 and some tips to navigate

SwissBorg DAO
9 min readNov 3, 2021


DAO App 1.4

The SwissBorg DAO released on 13 October 2021 a new version of the DAO App. This article should give you some insights about the release and how to navigate as a SwissBorg DAO member, contributor and guardian.

Why a new version?

The DAO 1.3 program has been officially launched in September 2020 and was gathering around 200 active members. But during winter 2020/2021, we welcomed a lot of new members and the DAO App experienced some scalability limitations. For a couple of months, we limited the number of new members and experienced a slow experience. But in // we worked on a new upgraded version more scalable and versatile. During the development of this new version (1.4), the DAO approved Policies initiatives. Lazy Consensus, BuiDl V2, Liquid Meritocracy Policies are now live and should enhance dramatically the collective experience of the DAO program. We are confident that the new DAO App can smoothly scale and past limitations are now behind us.

The current metrics

By the end of October 2021, the DAO program was recording great metrics and great commitment from all members. Almost 4'000 DAO members, 237 DAO Guardians, 30'000 quests completed, 942 missions completed and $40'000 rewards distributed in CHSB and other Tokens, underline the power of a DAO, and the magic behind decentralized ownership and commitment. We have now the energy and power to sustain and grow this decentralized program and help SwissBorg to thrive and flourish in a decentralized fashion.

The Roles in the DAO 1.4

3 DAO Roles

The DAO program is co-build with DAO members thanks to governance mechanisms and treasury management. We keep in this new version all the 3 main roles of the SwissBorg DAO.

  • DAO Members: Member who joined the DAO, and contribute with Quests, Missions. A DAO member can also submit initiatives to influence the DAO scope and development. DAO Members can be rewarded in DAO Coins and Tokens (CHSB, USDC, BTC, ETH…)
  • DAO Guardians: DAO Members who collected enough DAO Coins, to take and pass the Guardian exam. DAO Guardians have all the capabilities of DAO Members but have also governance power as they can vote on initiatives and manage collectively the DAO Treasury and DAO Strategy. As Guardians they are also collectively responsible for the quality and integrity of the DAO production. They review missions and proof of work and help DAO contributors to improve. DAO Guardians are the pillar of the DAO.
  • DAO Councillors: DAO Guardians who get elected by the DAO Guardians. They are now 4 DAO Councillors. They meet every Tuesday at the DAO Council. They are responsible for the Quest experience and the Initiative flow. They facilitate the DAO experience in general.

DAO member experience

As you may know or will soon notice the SwissBorg DAO is on an Off-chain DAO that mimic all the attributes of an On-chain DAO. With this latest version, we are co-building the foundations for a future On-chain DAO experience, more to come.

New DAO Governance and DAO Treasury experience

Everything starts with an initiative submitted by a DAO member. All DAO members who collect enough DAO Coins can legitimately submit a new initiative. Needless to say, that all attributes of the DAO can be modified if the DAO Guardians collectively approve a new policy initiative. 🗳️

DAO Initiatives

Initiative types

  1. Campaign Initiative to get funding for a new project, aka campaign. As the Initiative owner, the DAO member needs to accept the ownership of the initiative. If approved the budget of the campaign will be funded by the DAO Treasury.
  2. Game Initiative to get funding for a new DAO game. DAO member can suggest with such initiative to finance multiple seasons of games but should select only available tokens.
  3. Policy Initiative to amend a current policy or rule, or to suggest a new. Policy initiatives are a great way to suggest new ideas for the DAO strategy and development.
  4. Dispute Initiative to solve an issue within the DAO. When a DAO member submits a dispute initiative, he/she doesn’t need to name anyone and to be specif about the issue as the DAO Council will contact him/her to help to properly draft the initiative.
Submit Initiative

Initiative process

  1. Submit an initiative with DAO Coins
  2. DAO Council will review and ask for some clarification if needed
  3. DAO Council will share its opinion and open the votes for Guardians
  4. The Votes end after 7 days
  5. The Initiative result is considered valid if we reached the 40% of Quorum of active Guardians
  6. The DAO Council closes the votes after 7 days
  7. The Initiative can be Approved or Rejected by the DAO Guardian votes

The DAO Treasury

The DAO treasury has been implemented and deployed in march 2021 to give more transparency and autonomy to the DAO.

By approving or rejecting initiatives and related budgets, the DAO Guardians are collectively managing the DAO Treasury.

New DAO Personal Dashboard

We have developed in the new version a new dashboard to help DAO members to keep track of their activities, rewards and discussion. You can now easily navigate the DAO from your dashboard

Your DAO Activities

You can see all your current activities about missions, quests, games, votes, initiatives and campaigns. We even developed a way for you to see if an event needs your attention for missions and quests. Returned quests and missions need your inputs.

Your DAO Rewards

We noticed in the previous DAO experience (1.3) the rewards status and distribution was unclear for most of the members. We fixed that. Now from your dashboard, you can see the balance of DAO Coins (Bounty) and Tokens received in USD equivalent (Rewards).

We also implemented a way for you to claim your rewards. Rewards have 3 different statuses:

  • To Claim: A Reward is waiting for you but you need to claim and check the distribution instruction (SwissBorg App ID). A reward is generated for 1 initiative vote (when the initiative is closed), for 1 mission (when the mission has been approved), for 1 Game ticket ( when you are one of the 3 lucky winners)
  • Pending: You claimed this reward and you should receive it on the next rewards distribution batch. Rewards distribution batches are processed every Thursday at 1 PM CET for all Pending Rewards. If you miss a cut-off, no worries, it will be distributed the week after.
  • Received: Your reward has been distributed directly in your SwissBorg App. You can see in the transaction screen, all the details of the reward distribution
Claim your rewards

Check regularly rewards to claim. But no worries if you are away for a while, your rewards are always waiting for you.

Your DAO Discussion

DAO is about human interactions and consensus. Discussions about initiatives and campaigns are really core in a DAO experience, as we need to share opinions, ideas and improvements. To make sure you can follow easily all the discussions happening within the DAO, you can follow a discussion and keep track of all the latest posts from your DAO peers.

Follow and keep track of discussions

Well, we hope you love this new DAO Dashboard experience. We did our best to enhance the previous version, and we are confident this will help you to navigate within the complexity of a DAO.

New DAO BuiDL Experience

Enforcing the BuiDL V2 and lazy consensus policies, we are happy to share the new experience for DAO buidlers. This new buidl experience should give more responsibility and ownership to DAO Members but in the meantime help the campaign masters to facilitate their squad. This should bring more collaboration amongst the squad members.

Apply to a Squad

Campaigns are approved and initiated from a Campaign initiative. The campaign master owns the campaign and can facilitate the squad. As some campaigns required more experience and more commitments the campaign master has a special power to organise the squad :

  • Add Squad Entry fees (optional)
  • Accept or reject Squad Application
Join a Squad as DAO Member
Manage a Squad as Campaign Master

As a DAO member, you can join a Squad by sending your application. Squad application fees cannot be refunded as DAO Coins are burnt.

Create and edit your mission

Thanks to BuiDL V2 policy, DAO Squad members are granted and have more ownership and flexibility to manage their contribution within a squad. A DAO Member who is accepted to join a Squad:

  • Become a Squad member
  • Can create missions
  • Can edit missions
  • Can submit the related proof of work whenever he/she wants
Create Missions

Submit your Proof of work

Thanks to the lazy consensus policy, DAO Squad members have the flexibility to submit proof of work to show their contribution and get feedback from the Campaign Master and the DAO Guardians.

When a Squad member is ready to push his/her contribution, he/she can easily add 3 types of proof of work:

  • Images: Screenshots, pictures, ext… (Optional)
  • Links: Google doc URL or social media links (Optional)
  • Comments: Some notes to give some background and context to the Campaign master and the DAO guardians (Required)

Proof of work Peers review

After submitting 1 proof of work, the DAO will collectively review a Proof work. In a nutshell, the proof of work will have different statuses along the review process

  1. Submitted: The Proof of work is waiting for campaign master review
  2. In Review: The Proof of work has been validated by the campaign master, and DAO Guardians can upvote or downvote for 72 hours
  3. Returned: The Proof of work has been returned by the campaign master, the proof of work need to be edited or modified
  4. Approved: The Proof of work received more upvotes than downvotes from the DAO Guardians. The mission owner can claim the associated rewards
  5. Rejected: The Proof of work received fewer upvotes than downvotes from the DAO Guardians. The mission owner can NOT claim the associated rewards.
An approved Mission

New Collect Experience

We all love quests as an easy way to learn more about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and SwissBorg. From Quests, DAO members can generate DAO Coins and grow within the DAO. In the new version, we didn’t change the quest experience but simply enhance it with recurring quests.

Now some quests can be completed on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, giving new incentives to build good and sustainable routines. We hope with recurring quests DAO members will have more incentives to learn and to thrive as members of a collective.


The SwissBorg DAO program is reaching a great new milestone with the release of the DAO App 1.4. The DAO program is now ready to scale and thrive in many ways. We believe the SwissBorg DAO program can empower connect the blockchain and crypto communities. We believe we can collectively create, lead, decide and sustain. We believe we can collectively nurture each other. We believe the SwissBorg DAO can soon embrace the on-chain world and give birth to a new era for the SwissBorg community. From a bottom-up approach, we collectively designed the SwissBorg DAO, a cooperative that fuse kindness, empathy, respect and ambitions. We have all the attributes to thrive and lead a Blockchain revolution for good. Are you ready? Stay tuned more to come

Nature is an incredible cooperative. When things operate outside of that cooperative, they die off. It’s a very simple rule that nature operates under.

