Friends of Switchyards is back

Switchyards Downtown Club
2 min readJun 6, 2017

One year ago we announced a program at The Switchyards Downtown Club called Friends of Switchyards. Because the goal of SDC is to help create more B2C winners in Atlanta, we knew we needed more programming than just our large monthly events (like this and this). Big events are great for the community, but they need to be balanced with sessions focused on actionable tactics that founders can put into practice immediately to help their startups.

So the goal of Friends of Switchyards was to provide very tactical/actionable guidance to B2C startup founders. Our playbook for this program was simple. First, we identified the areas where B2C founders need the most help. Then we found local experts in those areas. And lastly we got them to SDC for small roundtable sessions to dive deep into those topics every week.

B2C founders at SDC get the best guidance possible while the best local experts are constantly around the community.

In 2016 we did thirty two of these sessions. The topics ranged from Mobile Marketing Learned from Building a Gaming App with Jeff Hilimire to Product Design Through Storytelling with Mary Frances Jones. Every session sold-out. Then we took a break to refine the format and today we are announcing that Friends of Switchyards will start again on June 13th.

Validating, building & growing successful B2C startups is a very different process than validating, building and growing startups that sell to other types of customers (eg enterprises). Friends of Switchyards is focused on the specific areas that make B2C different.

Part of the re-think of this program involved recruiting a few SDC members to pitch-in to help with the project. We are excited to announce that Preston Attebery, Rashidi Barnett, Pete Bernardo & Chris Turner will be managing this weekly program for the community. If you have an idea for a session or expert, please shoot it over to one of them.

If you are a member (full-time or part-time) of SDC, please join us every Tuesday at noon for the most tactical and actionable programming that exists in Atlanta to increase the likelihood of your consumer-focused startup succeeding.

And if you aren’t yet a member, we’d love to give you a tour — just email us at


The Switchyards Team



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