3 Simple Tips I Follow to Write Online Daily While Working Full Time

Putting on my 1-Man consultant’s hat to think

Aldric Chen
The Startup


A guy scribbling on his notebook.
Photo by Steve DiMatteo on Unsplash

Give yourself a pat on the back.

You have a demanding day job. And you are trying to share your knowledge via words online. It is time-consuming.

Admit it. There are days you just want to pass out in bed.

But you pushed through.

You spat out 800 words.


Trust me when I say this. I understand. I am in the same boat as you do.

I work in a demanding 9–6, run my own 1-Man consulting practice, and try to write 1 online article per day. That’s right. 1 online article per day.

3 things popped into my head after grinding millions of words out for the past 2 years.

Feel free to steal and use them.

1. The Journey of the Alphabets Starts from A and Ends with Z

I overheard this conversation.

Someone was telling someone else to take things easy. It was a lesson on an arduous journey with a pre-defined destination at its end.



Aldric Chen
The Startup

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.