8 Subscriptions Worth Considering in 2021

2020 blurred the lines of work and leisure. These subscriptions return the balance.

Richie Crowley
The Startup


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At my first job, a 4 month-stint at an emerging Boston security company, my manager, Lion Tim, as we’ll called him, used a phrase to describe how knowledgeable and flexible in conversation we BDR’s needed to be: Audible ready.

I thought it was really cool to hear sports language in an office. Having just retired from professional sports this brought me comfort in an otherwise unfamiliar environment.

At my second job, another Boston based start-up, this one in recruiting, my COO used the same term during a sales training. There must’ve been a conference or book that coined this phrase in recent years.

Audible ready: arriving with a plan, prepared to adjust it.

Last year, I proposed a list of 9 subscriptions that for $32.43 per month, or $389.16 annually, you could leverage every day in 2020.

I didn’t expect the year that was to come.

So, as I curated this year’s 2.0 version, I stayed audible ready.

8 subscriptions worth considering in 2021



Richie Crowley
The Startup

Slowly building an audience by publishing original thoughts and ideas only when I have something of quality to say.