A Custom Tabs Side Story

The Legend of the Bottom Toolbar

Code on the Rocks
The Startup


Chrome Custom Tabs are a beautiful and convenient thing that allow you to bring all the benefits of a high performing internet browser to the confines of your mobile application with no overhead. Rather then send your users to a third party application to view web content, you can have an elegant browser running in your app with only a few lines of code. Check out my other articles on implementing and using these bad boys:

While there is plenty of documentation on customizing the appearance and behavior of the top toolbar in Custom Tabs, the bottom toolbar has been neglected by the internet community. In this article, I’ll attempt to change that.

Where is the Bottom Toolbar?

If you launch Custom Tabs without making any changes to its appearance, the only toolbar you’ll see is the top one. If you go one step further and add an action button to the toolbar, you’ll see that action appear in the upper right corner but there still won’t be a bottom toolbar.

Go ahead, add another action button. Maybe that will overflow into the bottom toolbar and -

