Best ways to kill your startup

Avoiding these mistakes will make your startup journey much easier.

Bram Krommenhoek
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJan 16, 2018


I’ll be honest: I never thought starting a startup would be so hard.

To give you a bit of context: I tried to start a startup, but failed. Starting a startup means anxiety, fear of failure and a roller coaster with many NOs and some YESses. I can tell you: it’s not pretty.

To prepare for success, I read a lot about what you should do to build the next great thing. Then I blindly chased success.

The result?

  • I cut out most activities that didn’t relate to my startup.
  • I chased projects that didn’t lead to progress.

Even worse:

  • I could have spent this time with my girlfriend, with family and friends, or doing more of what I love.

When I wrote my previous blog, I realised something compelling:

The tips and tricks from others weren’t relevant for the game I was playing.

Huh? What game?

Let me explain

According to a famous study by Dr. Simon Ramo, tennis basically has two games. First, you have a game played by the pros. Second, you have the game played by people like…



Bram Krommenhoek
The Startup

Failed founder. I share my "Aha"s and "Oh shit"s. As seen in The Mission, The Startup,