Early this morning Supermodel Gisele Bundchen and the Best Quarterback Ever, Tom Brady left a gift for me.

Author Kristine Benevento
The Startup


They left the best parts of themselves.

As I’ve said in two previous stories, I’ve been journaling for more than a month now. I’ve been reading, I’ve been single mindedly focusing on my goals, I’ve been eating better, I’ve been getting adequate amounts of sleep. FOCUS is my new power. I’ve been watching for and learning from people I want to be more like.

In, Cal Newport’s new book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love, Cal talks about when individuals have a rare and valuable skill, and have built up enough career capital, they encounter resistance. Our Career isn’t based upon passion, it is on the backs of each piece of effort you applied in the pursuit of excellence.

“Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before.” Cal Newport


There is no doubt that everyone has been gunning for Tom Brady. He is so dedicated to his craft. He strives for excellence in every facet of his work. He is only focused on what is important. He believes in authenticity and walks his talk.

It seems everyone wants to take down the best, thinking it will make them the best.

It won’t. Making someone look less than doesn’t automatically make someone more than.

Brady has a team mentality. He knows it is their combination that wins games.

- “You’re all the same when you’re on the field.”

- “My connection is through joy and love.” Tom Brady

In Tribal Leadership, Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization, Dave Logan, John King & Halee Fischer-Wright talk about the cultures that exist in organizations and showcase examples where individuals that develop a one-mind mentality actually transform and achieve greater success, well beyond what one star player can accomplish.

I believe Tom Brady wants to move from a Stage 4 Organization where the “team is great” to a Stage 5 Organization where they have done the impossible and are awed and humbled by it.

- “When you have a group of people that you are surrounded by, that hold each other accountable, every moment of every day, you know those are the teammates you are looking for.” Tom Brady

- “Being mentally tough is putting all that bull****aside — everything that's happened — all the noise, all the hype, and just focusing on what you’ve got to do.” Tom Brady

- “I don’t need exterior motivation, the ones I have inside of me are enough.” Tom Brady

Tribal Leadership knows these organizations are rare as “Stage Five tribes account for just under 2 percent of workplace cultures.”


I love Gisele’s vulnerability but kick-*** determination. She told Vogue, “I invented this other person, and she could do everything. She wasn’t afraid; she was able to be ballsy and risky and sexy or androgynous. She was bold. I had to believe in myself as this person that was strong, up-front, invincible, and positive, who knew what she was doing, even though I really didn’t.”

The other side of Gisele wants love and compassion to be the overriding principles in life.

Having more influencers like these two — can change history.


In Benjamin P. Hardy’s 2018, 52 Weeks of Momentum course, we strive for excellence, work collaboratively, read the newest literature, change things up, become uncomfortable in order to be comfortable, work through our self imposed limitations, and strive to focus on our goals. I look for inspiration wherever I can.


In Gotham Chopra’s, ‘Tom vs. Time series,’ in Episode 5, The Spiritual Game, Tom is quoted as saying, “When you’re young, you don’t have perspective. You hit this spot when you’re like, I’m not a kid anymore. Then you have a little more perspective in your life. You know what’s important, you know what’s not important. I’m not putting energy or focus on things that I don’t deem that are important. Even if other people say, “Man this is important,” I’m like “No, it’s not.” I’m going to determine what’s important to me.”

I wasn’t raised with that mindset, and Tom is giving me permission to reach for excellence — my way.

It’s a ballsy statement that Tom Brady can back up, and it is a statement we should all be saying.

A few years ago I went to a seminar just outside of Boston and Gisele Bundchen was also there. She is very much into looking for ways to improve herself and make life better for her and her family. The more I read about her, the more I like and respect her. Gisele’s Instagram showcases much of what she loves and feels passion for.

“May this New Year bring more love, more peace, more compassion, more unity and more consciousness. May we all be the change we wish to see in the world.” Gisele Bundchen

People like to call Brady and Bundchen a power couple. I believe their power isn’t in the money they make, but the positive influence they bring to the world showing us what is possible, and helping us all see when you choose right action, everything flows in a way where your desires are met.

This week I watched the fifth episode of ‘Tom vs. Time.’ Two quotes resonated with me.

“I think in a lot of ways, surfing is like a metaphor of life. I just want to get in there and just go out and paddle and (if) you do that, and then what do you do? You find yourself in a lot of whitewash. You know you’re wasting your energy when there’s nothing to accomplish. In order to be good at it, you gotta go with it, you know. You can’t fight the force of Mother Nature. You’ve got to find a rhythm with it.”

Tom works with Mother Nature. Tom goes with the flow. He’s so good at it he says, “It’s (football) effortless, it’s just so… synonymous with my being.”

Abraham -Hicks is in agreement, Abraham is always saying to go with the flow and stop working our life in a way where we are paddling upstream, against the current.

Charles Haanel in The Master Key System knows thought precedes every action and what we think about — the universe is always responding.

My Dream and Journaling

So now you’re wondering what I received from this powerhouse of inspiration named Giselle and Tom.

This morning as soon as I woke, as is my custom, I scribbled down the short dream I had woken from.

In this dream, Tom and Giselle had suddenly disappeared from a party at their home. A little blond girl that could have been their daughter ran up to me and handed me a perfume bottle and said that her mother wanted me to have it and she ran away as quick as she came. As the little girl ran away, she yelled to my husband and I “You left something in the boathouse!” Well, I found that to be curious because we had not been into the boathouse but had seen many people come and go from there.

Metaphor one — staying power, authenticity, focus, inspiration, drive, hard work.

(As you read this story, remember that source/ spirit likes to use metaphor when they give messages. In this dream, because of what Brady and Bundchen represent — success — control over their destiny — people are always saying negative things about them and are trying to diminish them.)

With the vortex of Brady-Bundchen inspiration gone from the party, some not so nice people are hanging about, and security begins telling everyone to leave.

As some trouble makers are shooed from the boathouse we quickly looked around. A bassinet caught our eyes. As we approached we are mortified to see two wax-faxed babies lying there, seemingly dead to the world. With our hearts in our throats, we step closer in the hope that they could be saved somehow.

Metaphor Three — babies — the birth of two new creations

As I tentatively approach, afraid of the worst, both of their eyes suddenly opened and went wide, and they begin to cry hoping for our attention.

Others had been in the boathouse but these two came to life only when I arrived as if they had been waiting for me. My husband quickly stripped them of their wet diapers, wrapped each of them in a blanket and we ran to his airplane. We felt we must get them nourishment if they were to survive.

Metaphor Four — Piloting — steering the direction

As my husband piloted his small jet, and rushed to leave, scaring the bejeezus out of me. I thought we might crash into the telephone lines. He finally said, I am trying to stay under the radar.

We land at a country store next to a lake to get diapers and milk. My husband went inside while I began to take care of the babies. While waiting, I felt called to try on Giselle’s perfume. That seemed to calm the babies.

My husband, unsure of what size diapers to get, came back outside and began to feed the babies while I walk into the store and buy the appropriately sized diapers.

Metaphor 6- feeding the babies (the project)

After paying, I notice the store has a pet rabbit inside, and I give him some carrots. He hops down from the table and begins to follow me. The owner doesn’t seem to mind.

Metaphor 7 — the rabbit — a huge multiplier

I make my way to the plane, and the rabbit is still following. As I change the babies, Rabbit hops in. I think he is attracted to the perfume — then the alarm goes off and I am awake.

I quickly jotted all this down, showered and began to get dressed.

The messages when I journal don’t always come as easily but as I entered my closet I was suddenly struck by the meaning of Rabbit — What are rabbits good at? Procreating! I laughed out loud and said, “I have just been handed the Multiplier effect!”

I think back on the perfume and know it is all the attributes of success coming my way represented by Gisele’s perfume.

The boathouse is my vortex of creation and the babies are projects / creations that have been patiently waiting for me to find them. They are meant for me specifically, which is why no one else heard or saw the babies.

Babies represent projects that are now coming alive due to my attention and feeding.

Once I used the perfume, it attracted the Rabbit (the multiplier effect.)

Because I fed the projects (babies), nurtured the projects (diapers and milk and wrapped them in a blanket) and ensured they were cared for — I believe some of my dreams are about to come true.

My husband, by my side, also helped nurture, and kept us under the radar until we reached a place we could take care of the babies (projects). I am getting support at home which is necessary.

Today was a day in which I receive both good and bad news but it was the reminder of Tom Brady’s focus that kept me focused on my project and not on what I was distressed about. It was the knowledge that universe has my back that kept me positive. It is the knowing that We are all connected and there are people out there, like Gisele that will reach through the veil and assist — because she can.

“Wonderful things come to those who work hard with focus, tireless dedication and who never stop believing.” Gisele Bundchen

Have you started journaling yet?

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