Embrace the Chaos. Write from the Moment.

A chaotic life has more perks for online writers than you think

Aldric Chen
The Startup


A young lady capturing her thoughts on a tablet.
Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash

Writing is a tricky business.

It requires us to start from nothing. That is the problem.

Because when we start from zero…

  • We need to give birth to new ideas.
  • We must find unexplored angles for our writing.
  • We work to continuously refine and sharpen a unique final message.

Usually, it takes me 30 minutes longer to finish an online article draft when I am starting from absolutely nothing. Time flies… for the wrong reason.

So, I learned to avoid it.

In fact, everyone can. Here’s how.

Your Writing Style Can Be Developed from Your Unique Personality

I believe in this.

Everyone is a writer in their capacity. There are ideas, messages, opinions, criticisms, provocations, and a long list we want to share with others.

I argue that our perspective around that one idea matters more than the idea itself.

Let me use the concept of Minimalism to elaborate.



Aldric Chen
The Startup

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.