Even Solo Creators Need a Marketing Plan

Don’t overlook opportunities to promote yourself.

Anna Burgess Yang
The Startup


Image created via Midjourney

As a creator, your “product” is what you produce. Whether you write or make videos or host a podcast, you’re putting something into the world that your intended audience will (hopefully) find entertaining or useful.

In addition to your product, you are also your own small business. In most cases, your product alone is not enough to grow your business. You need to actively find ways to:

  • Reach a larger audience
  • Become discoverable on new platforms
  • Retain your existing audience’s attention

In other words, you need a marketing plan.

While it’s true that some creators find wild success by going viral, that isn’t the case for most. The ones that continue to build a following put a lot of energy into their visibility on multiple platforms.

Try reframing your thinking around your creative product. Imagine that it is a physical product with inventory that you have to move. How would you go about making it more desirable? How would you bring in new customers? And what goals do you have for your business overall?

Identify your niches and audience



Anna Burgess Yang
The Startup

Freelance Writer. Operations Advice for Solopreneurs. Career pivots are fun. 🎉 https://start.annabyang.com/