Goodbye Netflix. Hello, goals…

Sam Hainsworth
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2018

Pretty much most of my time at home is spent on the sofa watching Netflix, Youtube or playing video games, which… is fucking brilliant. Who doesn’t love to sit and watch Youtube all night, starting with a music video and then 6 hours later watching an old episode of It’ll be Alright on the Night with Denis Norden (Who is still alive!).

“I want to start this, but don’t have the time”

is something that we hear so much of, but if you asked the same person if they’ve caught up with the latest series of Black Mirror then most replies will be “Yes I watched them all last night!”.

What if we just quit the sofa life and started to pursue our goals? This year I’ve made that choice, so I can start my 2018 goals. This is a little test for myself to see if I’ll be more productive in 2018. although I have to admit it’s not something I plan to do for the whole year, I’m not crazy…

The 3 rules

Goodbye binge watching

It’s not full cold turkey on TV, but I can only watch 1 episode/ movie a night then the TV is off.

No more gaming

This is something that recently has taken up a lot of my time, I will sit and play a game for a whole day and then sit and regret it. I’ve decided to cut out gaming all together (and hopefully save myself a mass amount of money of buying new titles).

The 4 week deadline

One thing we’re all guilty of is starting something I never finishing. It’s something I do a lot, take Mobloq as an example. I started this last year with a few friends, then we forgot about it and it drifted into the graveyard of dead projects. This rule is to stop that, once I’ve started a project it has to be finished within 4 weeks!

What’s next?

I plan to do this for 4 months starting today and I’m going to be writing about it throughout. It’s really a test to see how much more I can get done and start pursuing certain goals.

Why not give it ago yourself?

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