How to talk to potential clients

Nail that first interview, and they’ll be begging to work with you.

Benek Lisefski
The Startup


As an independent designer, I’m meeting with new potential clients on a regular basis. They may be a small business who ask me to visit them so I can get a feel for their company and product (while they get a feel for me). They may be a web dev agency who needs design help, and they want to see how my experience and design processes stack up to their expectations. Or they may even be dream clients I proactively reached out to.

More often than not, this is a “let’s meet over coffee” situation. You sit down at the table with one or two representatives from their company. Hot drinks are ordered, and then it’s down to business. Otherwise, it’s a phone chat or video call.

This doesn’t feel as formal as a job interview would be. But don’t be mistaken — it’s much the same. Your potential client wants to tease out enough info from you to feel confident they know you can deliver for their project. Meanwhile, you’re assessing the client for any red flags, and determining whether their project is the right fit for your interests and skills.

Don’t get too casual or be underprepared. This might be the single most important communication you’ll ever have with this client. Be confident, and most importantly be



Benek Lisefski
The Startup

I’m a UX/UI designer from Auckland, New Zealand. Writing about freelancing & business for indie designers & creatives at