“Hustle” Is Terrible Advice for Most People: Not Everyone Can be an Entrepreneur

Let’s stop romanticizing the entrepreneur dream.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Business advice is easy to find. You only need to open your explore page, and you will find thousands of people who can teach you how to do an overnight business.

There are many gurus that tell us everywhere that they are making thousands of dollars monthly, that making a side hustle is the key to happiness, and that it is a good idea to just quit your job and follow your passion.

They make us think that “If you are not hustling, you are losing.”

However, this is not completely true. Just as there are people who were born with the vocation to be artists, doctors, or engineers, having your own business is also something that is made for a specific type of person.

I loved something I read from Jerine that said:

“Successful content creators make it look like having an online side hustle is easy. But is now that I'm enjoying the process that I can talk about my past struggles.”

People have a bad habit of just showing us the benefits and success, making it seem like everything is simple. So when they start a business and see that is not what they thought, they get frustrated and…



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/