Impactors — One Sentence Rules for Business Success #5

What are one sentence rules that have helped you attain success in business?

Fractal Solutions LLC
The Startup
3 min readJun 15, 2018


Here are the top picks from our diverse group of respondents…

Listen often and carefully to your customers, they’ll be the guide to the optimal product/service.

Ally Compeau, Founder of Woof Signs

Go into your endeavors with passion, power, and persistence.

Emil Jimenez, CEO/CCO of Passion Communications

It takes time to find the right niche for your business, but finding a need in the marketplace will help your business grow.

Average is a failing formula.

Hours worked is irrelevant, success is measured in objectives achieved.

Mills Menser, Founder of Diamond Banc

CTC: control the controllable — focus all of your energy on what you can control and don’t waste an extra second on what you can’t — your time is too precious.

Laura Tierney, President & Founder of The Social Institute

Success and growth are going to take a lot longer than you realize so be persistent.

Implement stringent testing in recruitment to find the best talent.

Focus on achieving one thing and finishing it, then move onto the next.

If you set goals and you truly laser in on them, they will come true.

Fred Schebesta, CEO & Co-Founder of

Live by the penny, die by the penny…there is always someone who can make your product cheaper….quality is the hardest thing to knock off and the best way to bulletproof your niche.

Craig Wolfe, President of CelebriDucks

Treat challenges to your ideas and beliefs as ‘gifts’ that expand your thinking and make you a richer person.

Jenna Kerner, Co-founder & Co-CEO of Harper Wilde

Free yourself of believing there’s only one right way to do something.

Jane Fisher, Co-founder & Co-CEO of Harper Wilde

Building a company takes a LONG time, so establish a self-care regimen early on.

Sara Schaer, Founder & CEO of Kango

Trust your team and don’t tell people how to do things, just tell them what you want and let them surprise you.

Noah Lee, Co-founder of Sock Club

Consistently thank everyone, from employees to customers to vendors.

Focus on building relationships, not just on building profit.

There is always room for improvement.

Stuart Ridge, CMO of VitaMedica

Remember the visual impact you make — it is the most convincing evidence.

Although necessary, facts are rarely persuasive; emotions persuade.

Harness the power of third-party messengers.

Figure out what your audience needs and wants in order to craft effective messages.

Be the breaker of your bad news before someone else does it for you.

Katie Coates, President of PR Projects

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