Knowing Your Limits Might Just Be Your Greatest Gift. Here’s Why.

You don’t surpass them if you don’t know them.

Anirban Kar
The Startup


Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels designed by the author.

I thought acknowledging my limitations was a mark of weakness. Here, I’ll be the first one to admit.

If I couldn’t or didn’t want to do something, it felt like I was lazy and too afraid to step out of my comfort zone.

So every time I felt like there was something wrong with how I was hustling into nothing, a voice inside my head would growl, “Do you even want to work?”

So I did what anyone would do. I sucked it up and ignored my limits. The mere thought of me not being able to do something felt utterly outrageous. Anyone can do anything, so can I. The only reason why I couldn’t do something would be that I’m not motivated or not working hard enough.

At least, that’s what I thought. And, of course, I was wrong.

We don’t better our lives or productivity by ignoring our limits. We do it by acknowledging them, optimizing them, learning from them.

Here’s how I learned it.

Believing in Yourself Is Brave. Not Believing in Your Limitations Is Stupid.



Anirban Kar
The Startup

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