My API Workflow with Go pt.3

Ivor Scott
The Startup
Published in
8 min readJun 5, 2020


Part of the Go and React Series

Part 2 was about transitioning to Go. This post contains a demo of a Docker-based API workflow inspired by the Ardan Labs service example. After the demo I’ll end with how to debug and profile the API.

We focus on:



Clone the project repo and checkout part3.

Please review Setting Up VSCode to avoid intellisense errors in VSCode. This occurs because the project is a mono repo and the Go module directory is not the project root.

The Goal

Our goal is going from an empty database to a seeded one. We will create a database container as a background process. Then make a couple migrations, and finally seed the database before running the project.

Step 1) Copy .env.sample and rename it to .env

